Name Size Modified
../ - -
RGlist2ExpressionSet.Rd 360 B
Starr.pdf 196.8 kiB 1.1 kiB
bpmapToProbeAnno.Rd 1.2 kiB 3.2 kiB
cmarrt.peak.Rd 2.7 kiB
correlate.Rd 1.1 kiB
correlationPlot.Rd 2.2 kiB
declare.bound.Rd 1.2 kiB
densityscatter.Rd 978 B
expressionByFeature.Rd 774 B
fill.Rd 642 B
fillNA.Rd 1.1 kiB
filterGenes.Rd 1.1 kiB
getFeatures.Rd 924 B
getIntensites.Rd 1.1 kiB
getMeans.Rd 2.6 kiB
getProfiles.Rd 4.0 kiB
getProfilesByBase.Rd 1.1 kiB
getRatio.Rd 1.6 kiB
intersection.Rd 531 B
kde2dplot.Rd 755 B
list2matrix.Rd 480 B
ma.stat.Rd 1.7 kiB
makeProbeAnno.Rd 842 B
makeSplines.Rd 1.7 kiB
mapFeatures.Rd 1.0 kiB
match_ac.Rd 958 B
normalize.Probes.Rd 3.2 kiB
plot.Density.Rd 694 B
plot.boxes.Rd 571 B
plot.cmarrt.Rd 2.0 kiB
plot.gcBias.Rd 776 B
plot.image.Rd 573 B 920 B
plot.posBias.Rd 847 B
plot.ratioScatter.Rd 1.5 kiB
plot.scatter.Rd 1.1 kiB
plotProfiles.Rd 1.7 kiB
profileplot.Rd 3.6 kiB
rankPercentile.normalize.Rd 487 B
read.gffAnno.Rd 613 B
readCelFile.Rd 2.4 kiB
remap.Rd 1.5 kiB
rm.small.peak.Rd 1.6 kiB
sameLength.Rd 654 B
singleclusterplot.Rd 1.5 kiB 884 B
substract.Rd 528 B
whichIn.Rd 452 B
windowxy.Rd 373 B
writeGFF.Rd 427 B
writePosFile.Rd 488 B

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Revision 47813, Last updated at , query time 19us