Name Size Modified
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ALL/ -
AffymetrixDataTestFiles/ -
AmpAffyExample/ -
CCl4/ -
CLL/ -
GGdata/ -
GenomicFeatures/ -
HEEBOdata/ -
HIVcDNAvantWout03/ -
Iyer517/ -
MAQCsubset/ -
MAQCsubsetAFX/ -
MAQCsubsetILM/ -
MEEBOdata/ -
Neve2006/ -
ProData/ -
SNAData/ -
SpikeIn/ -
SpikeInSubset/ -
TargetSearchData/ -
XhybCasneuf/ -
affydata/ -
beta7/ -
bronchialIL13/ -
ccTutorial/ -
colonCA/ -
davidTiling/ -
dyebiasexamples/ -
ecoliLeucine/ -
encoDnaseI/ -
estrogen/ -
faahKO/ -
facsDorit/ -
fibroEset/ -
gaschYHS/ -
gatingMLData/ -
golubEsets/ -
hapmap100khind/ -
hapmap100kxba/ -
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hapmap500ksty/ -
hapmapsnp5/ -
hapmapsnp6/ -
harbChIP/ -
hgu2beta7/ -
hmyriB36/ -
humanStemCell/ -
kidpack/ -
lumiBarnes/ -
lungExpression/ -
maqcExpression4plex/ -
msdata/ -
mvoutData/ -
ppiData/ -
pumadata/ -
rfcdmin/ -
stjudem/ -
tinesath1cdf/ -
tinesath1probe/ -
yeastCC/ -
yeastExpData/ -
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Revision 54736, Last updated at , query time 28us