Name Size Modified
../ - -
4.10.1/ -
ABAData/ -
ABHgenotypeR/ -
ADGofTest/ -
AER/ -
AGHmatrix/ -
AICcmodavg/ -
ALDEx2/ -
ALL/ -
APCtools/ -
APL/ -
ARRmData/ -
ASExtras4/ -
ASICSdata/ -
ASMap/ -
ATACseqQC/ -
ATE/ -
ATR/ -
AUC/ -
AUCell/ -
ActivePathways/ -
AdaptGauss/ -
Affyhgu133A2Expr/ -
Affyhgu133Plus2Expr/ -
Affyhgu133aExpr/ -
AffymetrixDataTestFiles/ -
Affymoe4302Expr/ -
Affymoe430Expr/ -
AgiMicroRna/ -
AlgDesign/ -
AlphaSimR/ -
Amelia/ -
AmesHousing/ -
AmpAffyExample/ -
AnVIL/ -
Andromeda/ -
AneuFinderData/ -
AnnoProbe/ -
AnnotationDbi/ -
AnnotationFilter/ -
AnnotationForge/ -
AnnotationHub/ -
AnnotationHubData/ -
ArchR/ -
ArrayExpress/ -
ArvadosR/ -
AsgntDAMacro/ -
AshkenazimSonChr21/ -
AsioHeaders/ -
AssessORFData/ -
AssotesteR/ -
Azimuth/ -
AzureAuth/ -
AzureGraph/ -
AzureRMR/ -
AzureStor/ -
BB/ -
BBmisc/ -
BDAtemplates/ -
BE/ -
BFpack/ -
BH/ -
BIApylon/ -
BIAutils/ -
BMA/ -
BMisc/ -
BPCells/ -
BSgenome/ -
BSgenome.Drerio.UCSC.danRer11/ -
BSgenome.Ggallus.ENSEMBL.galGal6/ -
BSgenome.Hsapiens.1000genomes.hs37d5/ -
BSgenome.Hsapiens.NCBI.GRCh38/ -
BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19/ -
BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38/ -
BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.dbSNP151.major/ -
BSgenome.Mmul10.SIVmac251/ -
BSgenome.Mmulatta.NCBI.mmul10.tmp/ -
BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10/ -
BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm39/ -
BSgenome.Oaries.ENSEMBL.RambV2/ -
BSgenome.Omela.CUSTOM.oenMel1.1/ -
BSgenomes/ -
BWStest/ -
BalancedSampling/ -
BatchJobs/ -
BayesFM/ -
BayesFactor/ -
BayesPostEst/ -
BayesX/ -
BeadArrayUseCases/ -
BeadDataPackR/ -
BeadSorted.Saliva.EPIC/ -
BentoBoxData/ -
Bessel/ -
BgeeDB/ -
BiRewire/ -
BiasedUrn/ -
BioBase/ -
BioEnricher/ -
BioGenerics/ -
BioImageDbs/ -
BioInstaller/ -
BioManager/ -
BioNet/ -
BioPlex/ -
BioVersion/ -
Biobase/ -
BiocBaseUtils/ -
BiocCheck/ -
BiocFileCache/ -
BiocFileCaches/ -
BiocGenerics/ -
BiocIO/ -
BiocInstaller/ -
BiocManager/ -
BiocNeighbors/ -
BiocParallel/ -
BiocSingular/ -
BiocStyle/ -
BiocVersion/ -
Bioconductor/ -
BiodiversityR/ -
Biogenerics/ -
Biostring/ -
Biostrings/ -
BiplotML/ -
BlakerCI/ -
BloodCancerMultiOmics2017/ -
BlythStillCasellaCI/ -
Boom/ -
BoomSpikeSlab/ -
BradleyTerry2/ -
BridgeDbR/ -
Brobdingnag/ -
BrowserViz/ -
C50/ -
CAM/ -
CARTools/ -
CAbiNet/ -
CCl4/ -
CDMConnector/ -
CGHbase/ -
CGHcall/ -
CLL/ -
CLLmethylation/ -
CMA/ -
CMAverse/ -
CMplot/ -
CNAnorm/ -
CNEr/ -
CNORdt/ -
CNORfeeder/ -
CNORfuzzy/ -
CNORode/ -
CNPBayes/ -
CNTools/ -
CNVPanelizer/ -
CNVrd2/ -
CNVtools/ -
COHCAPanno/ -
CONFESSdata/ - -
COSMIC.67/ -
COSNet/ -
CRCL18/ -
CRISPR.shinyapp/ -
CRImage/ -
Cairo/ -
Cardinal/ -
CardinalWorkflows/ -
Category/ -
CausalGPS/ -
CePa/ -
CeTF/ -
CellMapperData/ -
ChAMP/ -
ChAMPdata/ - -
ChIPComp/ -
ChIPXpressData/ -
ChIPexoQualExample/ -
ChIPpeakAnno/ -
ChIPseeker/ -
ChIPseqR/ -
ChIPsim/ -
ChemmineOB/ -
ChemmineR/ -
ChimpHumanBrainData/ -
ChromHeatMap/ -
ChronosDSTools/ -
CiteFuse/ -
Ckmeans.1d.dp/ -
ClassDiscovery/ -
ClinViz/ -
ClinicalQc/ -
Clomial/ -
Clonality/ -
CluMSIDdata/ -
ClustOfVar/ -
ClusterProfiler/ -
ClusterR/ -
ClusterTools/ -
CmsAnalytics/ -
CoCiteStats/ -
CoRegNet/ -
CoSIAdata/ -
CodelistGenerator/ -
CohortCharacteristics/ -
CohortDiagnostics/ -
ComBatFamQC/ -
CommonJavaJars/ -
CompGO/ -
CompQuadForm/ -
CompToxTools/ -
ComplexHeatmap/ -
ComplexUpset/ -
ConnectivityMap/ -
ConsRank/ -
ConsensusClusterPlus/ -
CoordinateCleaner/ -
CopyNeutralIMA/ -
CopyNumber450k/ -
CopyNumber450kData/ -
CopyhelpeR/ -
CopywriteR/ -
CorMut/ -
Cormotif/ -
CoxPhLb/ -
Cubist/ -
CytoML/ -
CytoMethIC/ -
CytoTRACE/ -
CytoTree/ -
Cytotree/ -
D2C/ -
DAISIEprep/ -
DAMEfinder/ -
DAPARdata/ -
DARAtools/ -
DASiR/ -
DAVIDQuery/ -
DBI/ -
DBItest/ -
DCchoice/ -
DDCompanion/ -
DDRTree/ -
DEGraph/ -
DEGseq/ -
DEP/ -
DESeq/ -
DESeq2/ -
DEXSeq/ -
DEoptim/ -
DEoptimR/ -
DEsingle/ -
DExMAdata/ -
DFP/ -
DMRcaller/ -
DMRcate/ -
DMRcatedata/ -
DMRforPairs/ -
DMwR/ -
DNABarcodes/ -
DNAZooData/ -
DNAcopy/ -
DO.db/ -
DRR/ -
DSS/ -
DT/ -
DTA/ -
DWSClient/ -
DataEditR/ -
DataExplorer/ -
DataFerry/ -
DataOmnio/ -
DataVisualizations/ -
DatabaseConnector/ -
DeSousa2013/ -
DeconRNASeq/ -
Deducer/ -
Delaporte/ -
DelayedArray/ -
DelayedMatrixStats/ -
DendSer/ -
Deriv/ -
DescTools/ -
DiagrammeR/ -
DiagrammeRsvg/ -
DiceDesign/ -
DiceKriging/ -
DiffBind/ -
DiffLogo/ -
Dino/ -
DirichletMultinomial/ -
DiscriMiner/ -
DistributionUtils/ -
DiurnalMRI/ -
DmelSGI/ -
DoE.base/ -
DoEstRare/ -
DonaPLLP2013/ -
Dose/ -
DoseFinding/ -
DoubleML/ -
DoubletFinder/ -
DriverNet/ -
DropletTestFiles/ -
DropletUtils/ -
DrugVsDisease/ -
DrugVsDiseasedata/ -
DuoClustering2018/ -
DupChecker/ -
DvDdata/ -
DynDoc/ -
DynTxRegime/ -
EBImage/ -
EBSeq/ -
EBarrays/ -
EBcoexpress/ -
ECOSolveR/ -
EGSEAdata/ -
ELMER/ - -
EMAtools/ -
EMD/ -
EMDomics/ -
ENCODEFig4Band4D/ -
ENMTools/ -
EValue/ -
EasyqpcR/ -
EatonEtAlChIPseq/ -
Ecdat/ -
Ecfun/ -
Ecume/ -
EffectLiteR/ -
EnhancedVolcano/ -
EnrichedHeatmap/ -
EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75/ -
EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86/ -
EnvStats/ -
Epi/ -
EpiDISH/ - -
EpiNow2/ -
EpiStats/ - -
EuPathDB/ -
Exact/ -
ExiMiR/ -
ExomeDepth/ -
ExperimentHub/ -
ExperimentHubData/ -
ExplorOMICS/ -
ExploreModelMatrix/ -
ExpressionView/ -
FD/ -
FDb.InfiniumMethylation.hg19/ -
FEM/ -
FField/ -
FGNet/ -
FISHalyseR/ -
FIs/ -
FME/ -
FMStable/ -
FNN/ -
FRGEpistasis/ -
FSA/ -
FSelectorRcpp/ -
FactoInvestigate/ -
FactoMineR/ -
Factoshiny/ -
FedData/ -
FieldEffectCrc/ -
FindMyFriends/ -
FineR/ -
Fletcher2013a/ -
Fletcher2013b/ -
FlowCore/ -
FlowRepositoryR/ -
FlowSOM/ -
FlowSorted.Blood.450k/ -
FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC/ -
FlowSorted.CordBlood.450k/ -
FlowSorted.CordBloodCombined.450k/ -
FlowSorted.CordBloodNorway.450k/ -
FlowSorted.DLPFC.450k/ -
Formula/ -
FourCSeq/ -
FrF2/ -
FragPipeAnalystR/ -
FunciSNP/ - -
GA/ -
GAMBLR.results/ -
GAMBoost/ -
GEOmap/ -
GEOmetadb/ -
GEOquery/ -
GEOsubmission/ -
GGBase/ -
GGally/ -
GGdata/ -
GIGSEAdata/ -
GLMMadaptive/ -
GMD/ -
GO.db/ -
GOFunction/ -
GOSemSim/ -
GOstats/ -
GOsummaries/ -
GPArotation/ -
GPfit/ -
GSA/ -
GSBenchMark/ -
GSE103322/ -
GSE13015/ -
GSE159526/ -
GSE62944/ -
GSEABase/ -
GSEAbase/ -
GSVAdata/ -
GTAVTools/ -
GUniFrac/ -
GWASExactHW/ -
GWASTools/ -
GWASdata/ -
GastrographPackage/ -
GenABEL/ - -
GenOrd/ -
GenSA/ -
GeneAnswers/ -
GeneBreak/ -
GeneExpressionSignature/ -
GeneMeta/ -
GeneNMF/ -
GeneNetworkBuilder/ -
GeneOverlap/ -
GeneRegionScan/ -
GeneSelectMMD/ -
GeneSelector/ -
GeneralizedHyperbolic/ -
GeneticsDesign/ -
GeneticsPed/ -
GenoView/ -
GenomeGraphs/ -
GenomeInfoDb/ -
GenomeInfoDbData/ -
GenomicAlignments/ -
GenomicDistributionsData/ -
GenomicFeatures/ -
GenomicFeatures.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18/ -
GenomicFeatures.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm9/ -
GenomicFiles/ -
GenomicRanges/ -
GenomicTools/ -
GenomicTuples/ -
Genominator/ -
GeoTcgaData/ -
GeomxTools/ -
GetoptLong/ -
GeuvadisTranscriptExpr/ -
Giotto/ -
Glimma/ -
GlobalAncova/ -
GlobalOptions/ -
Gmisc/ -
GoSemSim/ -
GraphGallery/ -
Greg/ -
GreyListChIP/ -
Gviz/ -
HAC/ -
HCAData/ -
HCATonsilData/ -
HD2013SGI/ -
HDCytoData/ -
HDF5/ -
HDF5Array/ -
HDInterval/ -
HDO.db/ -
HDmap/ -
HEEBOdata/ -
HGNChelper/ -
HIVcDNAvantWout03/ -
HMMcopy/ -
HMP16SData/ -
HMP2Data/ -
HPC.R.Utilities/ -
HSMMSingleCell/ -
HSMMSinglece11/ -
HSMMSinglecel1/ -
HTSCluster/ -
HandTill2001/ -
HaploSim/ -
HardyWeinberg/ -
HarmanData/ -
HarmonizedTCGAData/ -
HelloRangesData/ -
Herper/ -
HiBED/ -
HiCBricks/ -
HiCDataHumanIMR90/ -
HiCDataLymphoblast/ -
HiClimR/ -
HiContactsData/ -
HiTC/ -
HiTME/ -
HighlyReplicatedRNASeq/ -
Hiiragi2013/ -
HilbertCurve/ -
HilbertVis/ -
HiveR/ -
Hmisc/ -
Homo.sapiens/ -
Hoover/ -
Hotgenes/ -
HumanAffyData/ -
HumanPrimaryCellAtlasData/ -
IAPWS95/ -
ICC/ -
ICS/ -
ICSOutlier/ -
IDEAFilter/ -
IDPmisc/ -
IHW/ -
IHWpaper/ -
IPDfromKM/ -
IRanges/ -
IRdisplay/ -
IRkernel/ -
ISOcodes/ -
ISwR/ -
Icens/ -
Illumina450ProbeVariants.db/ -
IlluminaDataTestFiles/ -
IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19/ -
IlluminaHumanMethylation450kmanifest/ -
IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICanno.ilm10b2.hg19/ -
ImpulseDE2/ -
IncDTW/ -
IncidencePrevalence/ -
InformationValue/ -
InkblotAnalytics/ -
InraeThemes/ -
InteractionSet/ -
InteractiveComplexHeatmap/ -
Iso/ -
IsoCorrectoR/ -
IsoCorrectoRGUI/ -
Iyer517/ -
JASPAR2014/ -
JASPAR2016/ -
JBrowseR/ -
JGR/ -
JM/ -
JMbayes/ -
JavaGD/ -
JazzAIR/ -
JctSeqData/ -
Johnson/ -
JohnsonKinaseData/ -
JuliaCall/ -
KEGG.db/ -
KEGGandMetacoreDzPathwaysGEO/ -
KEGGdzPathwaysGEO/ -
KEGGgraph/ -
KEGGprofile/ -
KMsurv/ -
KOdata/ -
KaryoploteR/ -
Kendall/ -
KernSmooth/ -
KernelKnn/ -
Kernsmooth/ -
L1pack/ -
LBE/ -
LDheatmap/ -
LDlinkR/ -
LDplots/ -
LEA/ -
LMI/ -
LMMsolver/ -
LRcellTypeMarkers/ -
Lahman/ -
LambertW/ -
LaplacesDemon/ -
LearnBayes/ -
LegATo/ -
LiblineaR/ -
LiebermanAidenHiC2009/ -
LinMod2/ -
Linnorm/ -
ListerEtAlBSseq/ -
Lmoments/ -
LogicReg/ -
LoomExperiment/ -
LowRankQP/ -
Luminescence/ -
LungCancerACvsSCCGEO/ -
LungCancerLines/ -
M3DExampleData/ -
M3Drop/ -
MACSdata/ -
MACSr/ -
MALDIquant/ -
MAQCsubset/ -
MAQCsubsetAFX/ -
MAQCsubsetILM/ -
MAtrixModels/ -
MBA/ -
MCAData/ -
MCMCglmm/ -
MCMCpack/ -
MCMCprecision/ -
MCPcounter/ -
MEALData/ -
MEEBOdata/ -
MIGSAdata/ -
MKmisc/ -
MLEcens/ -
MLmetrics/ -
MMAPPR2data/ -
MMDiffBamSubset/ -
MNP/ -
MODIStsp/ -
MOFA2/ -
MOFAdata/ -
MPA/ -
MPV/ -
MSBdata/ -
MSnbase/ -
MSstats/ -
MSstatsBioData/ -
MSstatsConvert/ -
MSstatsLiP/ -
MSstatsPTM/ -
MSstatsTMT/ -
MSstatsTMTs/ -
MSwM/ -
MTseekerData/ -
MUGAExampleData/ -
Maaslin2/ -
MafDb.ALL.wgs.phase1.release.v3.20101123/ -
MafDb.ESP6500SI.V2.SSA137.dbSNP138/ -
MafDb.gnomAD.r2.1.hs37d5/ -
Markdown/ -
MassSpecWavelet/ -
MatchIt/ -
MatchThem/ -
Matching/ -
Matri/ -
Matrix/ -
Matrix.utils/ -
MatrixEQTL/ -
MatrixExtra/ -
MatrixGenerics/ -
MatrixModels/ -
MeSHDbi/ -
MendelianRandomization/ -
MerfishData/ -
MetStaT/ -
MetaGxBreast/ -
MetaGxOvarian/ -
MetaGxPancreas/ -
MetaScope/ -
MetaUtility/ -
Metab/ -
MetaboAnalystR/ -
MetaboReport/ -
MethylAidData/ -
MethylMix/ -
MethylSeqData/ -
Metrics/ -
Mfuzz/ -
MicrobaCommunityProfileReader/ -
MicrobiomeBenchmarkData/ -
Microsoft365R/ -
ModelMetrics/ -
ModelR/ -
Momocs/ -
MonoPhy/ -
Morpho/ -
MouseAgingData/ -
MouseGastrulationData/ -
MouseThymusAgeing/ -
MplusAutomation/ -
MsCoreUtils/ -
MsFeatures/ -
Msnbase/ -
MuMIn/ -
Mulder2012/ -
MultiAssayExperiment/ -
MultiDataSet/ -
MutationalPatterns/ -
N2R/ -
NBPSeq/ -
NCIgraphData/ -
NCmisc/ -
NEONiso/ -
NGLVieweR/ -
NGScopyData/ -
NISTunits/ -
NLP/ -
NMF/ -
NMcalc/ -
NMdata/ -
NMproject/ -
NMsim/ -
NNgenesets/ -
NNsig/ -
NNutils/ -
NOISeq/ -
NanoPyx/ -
NanoStringDiff/ -
NanoStringNCTools/ -
NanoStringNorm/ -
NanoStringQCPro/ -
NanoporeRNASeq/ -
NbClust/ -
Nebulosa/ -
NestLink/ -
NetActivityData/ -
NetBID2/ -
NetPreProc/ -
NetRep/ -
NetSwan/ -
NeuralNetTools/ -
Neve2006/ -
NlcOptim/ -
NonCompart/ -
NormalizerDE/ -
NormalyzerDE/ -
Nozzle.R1/ -
NxtIRFdata/ -
OMICsPCAdata/ -
ObMiTi/ -
OhdsiShinyModules/ -
OlinkAnalyze/ -
OmicCircos/ -
OmnipathR/ -
OnassisJavaLibs/ -
OncoBayes2/ -
OpenMx/ -
OrderedList/ -
OrganismDbi/ -
PAA/ -
PARdesign/ -
PBSddesolve/ -
PBSmapping/ -
PCAmixdata/ -
PCAtools/ -
PCDSpline/ -
PCDimension/ -
PCHiCdata/ -
PCICt/ -
PFAM.db/ -
PK/ -
PKI/ -
PKPDdatasets/ -
PKPDmodels/ -
PKreport/ -
PLNmodels/ -
PMA/ -
PMCMRplus/ -
PREDAsampledata/ -
PRISMselector/ -
PROreg/ -
PROscorer/ -
PROscorerTools/ -
PReMiuM/ -
PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background/ -
PWMEnrich.Hsapiens.background/ -
PWMEnrich.Mmusculus.background/ -
PairedData/ -
ParallelLogger/ -
ParamHelpers/ -
PasillaTranscriptExpr/ -
PathNetData/ -
PatientProfiles/ -
PeacoQC/ -
PeakcoQC/ -
PearsonDS/ -
PepsNMRData/ -
Peptides/ -
PerformanceAnalytics/ -
PhosR/ -
PhyloProfileData/ -
PoissonBinomial/ -
Polychrome/ -
PolynomF/ -
PopED/ -
PopVar/ -
PossibilityCurves/ -
PowerExplorer/ -
PowerTOST/ -
PreciseSums/ -
ProData/ -
ProSpect/ -
ProfilerAPI2/ -
ProgMan/ -
ProjecTILs/ -
PropCIs/ -
ProtGenerics/ -
ProteinGymR/ -
PsNR/ -
PtH2O2lipids/ -
PubChemR/ -
Publish/ -
PullReadAnalysisData/ -
PupillometryR/ -
PureCN/ -
PwrGSD/ -
QDNAseq/ -
QDNAseq.hg19/ -
QDNAseq.mm10/ -
QGplots/ -
QGqtl/ -
QGtemplates/ -
QSARdata/ -
QUBICdata/ -
QuantPsyc/ -
QuaternaryProd/ -
QuickJSR/ -
R.cache/ -
R.devices/ -
R.filesets/ -
R.huge/ -
R.matlab/ -
R.methodsS3/ -
R.oo/ -
R.rsp/ -
R.utils/ -
R2OpenBUGS/ -
R2WinBUGS/ -
R2admb/ -
R2jags/ -
R2wd/ -
R6/ -
RApiDatetime/ -
RApiSerialize/ -
RAthena/ -
RBesT/ -
RBioFormats/ -
RCircos/ -
RClickhouse/ -
RColorBrewer/ -
RCurl/ -
RCy3/ -
RDAVIDWebService/ -
RDBS.plot/ -
RDCOMClient/ -
REBayes/ -
REddyProc/ -
RGMQLlib/ -
RICGA.clinical/ -
RIPSeeker/ -
RIPSeekerData/ -
RITANdata/ -
RIdeogram/ -
RItools/ -
RLHub/ -
RLRsim/ -
RMTstat/ -
RMariaDB/ -
RMassBankData/ -
RNASeqDataSubset/ -
RNASeqPower/ -
RNASeqRData/ -
RNAi/ -
RNAinteractMAPK/ -
RNAmodR.Data/ -
RNAseqData.HNRNPC.bam.chr14/ -
RNAseqData.HeLa.bam.chr14/ -
RNAseqQC/ -
RNOmni/ -
RNetCDF/ -
RNifti/ -
ROC/ -
ROCit/ -
ROI/ -
ROI.plugin.glpk/ -
ROI.plugin.lpsolve/ -
ROracle/ -
RPostgreSQL/ -
RPostgres/ -
RPresto/ -
RProtoBuf/ -
RProtoBufLib/ -
RPtests/ -
RPushbullet/ -
RRBSdata/ -
RSQLite/ -
RSVSim/ -
RSclient/ -
RSelenium/ -
RSiena/ -
RSpectra/ -
RTCGA.clinical/ -
RTCGA.methylation/ -
RTCGA.mutations/ -
RTCGA.rnaseq/ -
RTCGAToolbox/ -
RTN/ -
RTriangle/ -
RUVnormalizeData/ -
RUVseq/ -
RUnit/ -
RVAideMemoire/ -
RVenn/ -
RVerbalExpressions/ -
RVtests/ -
RWiener/ -
RaMS/ -
RaggedExperiment/ -
RamiGO/ -
RandomFields/ -
RandomFieldsUtils/ -
RankAggreg/ -
RankProd/ -
Rcapture/ -
RccpTOML/ -
Rcgmin/ -
Rchoice/ -
RcisTarget/ -
RcisTarget.hg19.motifDBs.cisbpOnly.500bp/ -
Rcmdr/ -
RcmdrMisc/ -
Rcpp/ -
RcppAlgos/ -
RcppAnnoy/ -
RcppArmadillo/ -
RcppCCTZ/ -
RcppClassic/ -
RcppDE/ -
RcppDate/ -
RcppDist/ -
RcppEigen/ -
RcppEnsmallen/ -
RcppGSL/ -
RcppHNSW/ -
RcppInt64/ -
RcppML/ -
RcppNumerical/ -
RcppParallel/ -
RcppProgress/ -
RcppRoll/ -
RcppSimdJson/ -
RcppSpdlog/ -
RcppTOML/ -
RcppThread/ -
RcppZiggurat/ -
Rcsdp/ -
Rd2roxygen/ -
Rdimtools/ -
Rdpack/ -
Rdsdp/ -
ReactomeGSA/ - -
ReactomePA/ -
RedeR/ -
RefManageR/ -
RegParallel/ -
Repitools/ -
ReporteRs/ -
ReporteRsjars/ -
ReportingTools/ -
ResidualMatrix/ -
ResourceSelection/ -
RestRserve/ -
RevGadgets/ -
Rfast/ -
Rfast2/ -
Rfit/ -
RforProteomics/ -
Rglpk/ -
RgoogleMaps/ -
Rgraphviz/ -
Rhdf5lib/ -
RhpcBLASctl/ -
Rhtslib/ -
Ringo/ -
Rlab/ -
Rlabkey/ -
Rmagic/ -
Rmisc/ -
Rmixmod/ -
Rmpfr/ -
Rmpi/ -
RnBeads/ -
RnBeads.hg19/ -
RnBeads.hg38/ -
RnBeads.mm10/ -
RnBeads.mm9/ -
RnBeads.rn5/ -
RnaSeqSampleSizeData/ -
RnaSeqTutorial/ -
RobStatTM/ -
RobinCar/ -
RobustRankAggreg/ -
Rook/ -
Rpoppler/ -
RpostgreSQL/ -
Rqc/ -
RsSimulx/ -
RsSimulx.1/ -
Rsamtools/ -
Rserve/ -
Rsmlx/ -
Rsmlx.1/ -
Rsmlx.2/ -
Rsolnp/ -
Rspectra/ -
Rsubread/ -
Rsymphony/ -
Rtsne/ -
Rttf2pt1/ -
Ruchardet/ -
Runiversal/ -
Runuran/ -
Rvcg/ -
Rvmmin/ -
Rwave/ -
RxODE/ -
Ryacas/ -
S4Arrays/ -
S4Vectors/ -
S4vectors/ -
SAGx/ -
SAIGEgds/ -
SASmixed/ -
SASxport/ - -
SC3/ -
SCATEData/ -
SCLCBam/ -
SCP/ -
SCtools/ -
SDMTools/ -
SFEData/ -
SGP/ -
SGPdata/ -
SID/ -
SIS/ -
SMVar/ -
SNAData/ -
SNAGEEdata/ -
SNPRelate/ -
SNPhoodData/ -
SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP142.GRCh37/ -
SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP151.GRCh38/ -
SOMbrero/ -
SPOTlight/ -
STdeconvolve/ -
STexampleData/ -
SVM2CRMdata/ -
ScDblFinder/ -
ScaledMatrix/ -
Scillus/ -
SeqArray/ -
SeqVarTools/ -
Seraut/ -
SeruatObject/ -
Seurat/ -
SeuratData/ -
SeuratDisk/ -
SeuratObject/ -
SeuratWrapper/ -
SeuratWrappers/ -
ShinyItemAnalysis/ -
Shinyusagelogr/ -
ShortRead/ -
Sigfried/ -
Signac/ -
SimBU/ -
SimBenchData/ -
SimBu/ -
SimComp/ -
SimDesign/ -
SimInf/ -
SimMultiCorrData/ -
Single.mTEC.Transcriptomes/ -
SingleCelLExperiment/ -
SingleCellExperiment/ -
SingleCellMultiModal/ -
SingleMoleculeFootprintingData/ -
SingleR/ -
SkewHyperbolic/ -
SmartEDA/ -
SnapATAC/ -
SnowballC/ -
SomaDataIO/ -
SomaVarDB/ -
SomatiCAData/ -
SomaticCancerAlterations/ -
SomaticSignatures/ -
SoupX/ -
SpATS/ -
SparseArray/ -
SparseGrid/ -
SparseM/ -
SpatialCPie/ -
SpatialDatasets/ -
SpatialDecon/ -
SpatialEpi/ -
SpatialExperiment/ -
SpatialPack/ -
SpidermiR/ -
SpikeIn/ -
SpikeInSubset/ -
SplicingVizUtils/ -
SqlRender/ -
StanHeaders/ -
StatCharrms/ -
StepReg/ -
SubcellularSpatialData/ -
SummarizedExperiment/ -
SuperLearner/ -
SuppDists/ -
SurvMetrics/ -
Swiffer/ -
Synth/ -
TBX20BamSubset/ -
TCC/ -
TCGAMethylation450k/ -
TCGAWorkflowData/ -
TCGAbiolinks/ - - -
TCGAcrcmRNA/ -
TCGAcrcmiRNA/ -
TENxBUSData/ -
TENxBrainData/ -
TENxVisiumData/ -
TENxXeniumData/ -
TFBSTools/ -
TFMPvalue/ -
TFisher/ - -
TLMoments/ -
TMB/ -
TMExplorer/ -
TNO/ -
TSP/ -
TSSi/ -
TTR/ -
TabulaMurisData/ -
TabulaMurisSenisData/ -
TailRank/ -
TargetScoreData/ -
TargetSearchData/ -
TauStar/ -
TeachingDemos/ -
TestGenerator/ -
ThresholdROC/ -
TiPS/ -
TimeProjection/ -
TimerQuant/ -
TitanCNA/ -
Tplyr/ -
TrajectoryUtils/ -
TransOmicsData/ -
TreeSummarizedExperiment/ -
TreeTools/ -
TumourMethData/ -
Turnover.cells.pSILAC.TMT/ -
TwoSampleMR/ -
TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene/ -
TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene/ -
UCSC.utils/ -
UCell/ -
Unicode/ -
UniprotR/ -
UpSetR/ -
V8/ -
VAM/ -
VBsparsePCA/ -
VGAMextra/ -
VIM/ -
VariantAnnotation/ -
VariantToolsData/ -
VariantWarehouseBMS/ -
VectraPolarisData/ -
VennDiagram/ -
VineCopula/ -
WA43966.shareR.3043877/ -
WGScan/ -
WGSmapp/ -
WRS2/ -
WebGestaltR/ -
WeberDivechaLCdata/ -
WeightIt/ -
WibiR/ -
WikidataQueryServiceR/ -
WikidataR/ -
WikipediR/ -
WorldFlora/ -
Wrench/ -
WriteXLS/ -
XLConnect/ -
XLConnectJars/ -
XML/ -
XVector/ -
XhybCasneuf/ -
Ziploc/ -
a4Core/ -
a4Reporting/ -
aads.rnai/ -
abc/ - -
abind/ -
ace.fma/ -
acepack/ -
actuar/ -
adSplit/ -
ada/ -
adabag/ -
adbcdrivermanager/ -
addinslist/ -
adductData/ -
ade4/ -
adegenet/ -
adegraphics/ -
adehabitat/ -
adehabitatLT/ -
adephylo/ -
aditools/ -
adjustedCurves/ -
admiral/ -
admiral.test/ -
admiraldev/ -
admiralonco/ -
admiralophtha/ -
admiralroche/ -
admisc/ -
afex/ -
affxparser/ -
affy/ -
affyPLM/ -
affycompData/ -
affycoretools/ -
affydata/ -
affyio/ -
aggregateBioVar/ -
agricolae/ -
agridat/ -
agrmt/ -
aigoraFitMini/ -
airr/ -
airway/ -
akima/ -
alabama/ -
alakazam/ -
ald/ -
aldvmm/ -
alembic/ -
alkahest.generic/ -
all/ -
allenpvc/ -
alluvial/ -
almanac/ -
alphahull/ -
alphashape3d/ -
alphavantager/ -
alpineData/ -
alr3/ -
alr4/ -
alsace/ -
altair/ -
altdoc/ -
amap/ -
ambient/ -
amgen.okta.client/ -
amgsafetyvis/ -
amlogger/ -
anRichment/ -
angrycell/ -
animation/ -
annaffy/ -
anndata/ -
annotate/ -
annotatr/ -
antaresProcessing/ -
antiProfilesData/ -
anticlust/ -
anytime/ -
aod/ -
apLCMS/ -
apcluster/ -
ape/ -
apeglm/ -
apex/ -
apexcharter/ -
aplot/ -
appgen/ -
aqp/ -
aracne.networks/ -
archive/ -
argparse/ -
argparser/ -
argus.DS.Credentials/ -
argusDS.DB.manager.utilities/ -
argusDS.DataValidation/ -
argusDS.FCUtilities/ -
argusDS.FZ.SourceData/ -
argusDS.FZ.utils/ -
argusDS.GlobalSettings/ -
argusDS.PossibilityCurves.db.utils/ -
argusDS.PossibilityCurves.utils/ -
argusDS.S3/ -
argusDS.Studio.APC/ -
argusDS.Studio.FC/ -
argusDS.Studio.MyStudio/ -
argusDS.Studio.permissions/ -
argusDS.Studio.utils/ -
argusDS.TradingSignals/ -
argusDS.UI/ -
argusDS.apc.utils/ -
argusDS.backtesting.engine/ - - - - - -
argusDS.database/ -
argusDS.distributions/ -
argusDS.driver.importance/ -
argusDS.gamboostLSS/ -
argusDS.gamlss.distributions/ -
argusDS.gamlss.forecast/ -
argusDS.gamlss.modelling/ -
argusDS.gamlss.smoothers/ -
argusDS.gamlss.testing/ -
argusDS.gamlss.utils/ -
argusDS.model.testing/ - -
argusDS.model.validation/ -
argusDS.modeldb/ -
argusDS.possibility.curves.daily/ -
argusDS.shiny.utils/ -
argusDS.signal.backtesting/ -
argusDS.signal.dataprep/ -
argusDS.signal.generation/ -
argusDS.smoothers/ - - - - -
argusDS.tabulator/ - - -
argusDS.utilities/ -
aricode/ -
arm/ -
aroma.affymetrix/ -
aroma.apd/ -
aroma.core/ -
aroma.light/ -
arrayQualityMetrics/ -
arrayhelpers/ -
arrayop/ -
arrow/ -
arsenal/ -
arules/ -
arulesViz/ -
arvupload/ -
ascii/ -
asciicast/ -
ash/ -
ashr/ -
asht/ -
askpass/ -
asremlPlus/ -
assert/ -
assertive/ -
assertive.base/ -
assertive.code/ - - - -
assertive.datetimes/ -
assertive.files/ -
assertive.matrices/ -
assertive.models/ -
assertive.numbers/ - -
assertive.reflection/ -
assertive.sets/ -
assertive.strings/ -
assertive.types/ -
assertr/ -
assertthat/ -
astsa/ -
async/ -
attachment/ -
attempt/ -
audio/ -
audited/ -
auth0/ -
automap/ -
autometric/ -
autoslideR/ -
av/ -
ava2/ -
aws/ -
aws.ec2metadata/ -
aws.s3/ -
aws.signature/ -
awsMethods/ -
azcore/ -
b64/ -
bRacatus/ -
babelgene/ -
babelmixr2/ -
babelwhale/ -
babynames/ -
backbone/ -
backports/ -
badger/ -
badminton/ -
baguette/ -
bain/ -
ballgown/ -
bambu/ -
bartMachine/ -
bartMachineJARs/ -
base2grob/ -
base64/ -
base64enc/ -
base64url/ -
basefun/ -
basemaps/ -
basilisk/ -
basilisk.utils/ -
batchelor/ -
batchtools/ -
battenberg/ -
baySeq/ -
bayesQR/ -
bayesm/ -
bayesmeta/ -
bayesplot/ -
bayestestR/ -
bbmle/ -
bbotk/ -
bbr/ -
bbr.bayes/ -
bccaEndometrial/ -
bcellViper/ -
bcp/ -
bdsmatrix/ -
beachmat/ -
beadarray/ -
beadarrayExampleData/ -
beanplot/ -
beaver/ -
beepr/ -
beeswarm/ -
bench/ -
benchmarkfdrData2019/ -
benchmarkme/ -
benchmarkmeData/ -
benchr/ -
berryFunctions/ -
bestNormalize/ -
bestglm/ -
beta7/ -
betareg/ -
bettermc/ -
bezier/ -
bgs.ggtheme/ -
bgs.hephaistos/ - -
bib2df/ -
bibtex/ -
biclust/ -
bife/ -
bigD/ -
biganalytics/ -
bigassertr/ -
bigdist/ -
biglasso/ -
biglm/ -
biglmm/ -
bigmemory/ -
bigmemory.sri/ -
bigparallelr/ -
bigreadr/ -
bigrquery/ -
bigsnpr/ -
bigsparser/ -
bigstatsr/ -
bigutils/ -
bigutilsr/ -
billboarder/ -
binGroup/ -
binb/ -
bindr/ -
bindrcpp/ -
binman/ -
binom/ -
binr/ -
bio3d/ -
biobank/ -
bioc::GenomeInfoDbData/ -
biocViews/ -
biomaRt/ -
biomartr/ -
biomformat/ -
biomod2/ -
biostat3/ -
biostatR/ -
biostatUtil/ -
biotmleData/ -
biotools/ -
biovizBase/ -
birta/ -
biscuiteerData/ -
bit/ -
bit64/ -
bitops/ -
bizdays/ -
bkbutils/ -
bladderbatch/ -
blastula/ -
blavaan/ -
blimaTestingData/ -
blme/ -
blob/ -
blockCV/ -
blockForest/ -
blockcluster/ -
blockmodeling/ -
blogdown/ -
bluster/ -
bmp/ -
bmspal/ -
bnlearn/ -
bodymapRat/ -
bold/ -
bookdown/ -
boomer/ -
boot/ -
bootstrap/ -
botor/ -
box/ -
box.linters/ -
bpcp/ -
brainImageRdata/ -
brave/ -
breakpointRdata/ -
breastCancerMAINZ/ -
breastCancerMKI/ -
breastCancerNKI/ -
breastCancerTRANSBIG/ -
breastCancerUNT/ -
breastCancerUPP/ -
breastCancerVDX/ -
brew/ -
brgedata/ -
brglm/ -
brglm2/ -
bricks/ -
brickster/ -
bridgesampling/ -
brio/ -
brms/ -
brmsmargins/ -
broman/ -
bronchialIL13/ -
broom/ -
broom.helpers/ -
broom.mixed/ -
broomExtra/ -
bs4Dash/ -
bshazard/ -
bsicons/ -
bslib/ -
bsplus/ -
bsseq/ -
bsseqData/ -
bsts/ -
btergm/ -
bugphyzz/ -
bumphunter/ -
bupaR/ -
butcher/ -
bvls/ -
cAIC4/ -
cMap2data/ -
ca/ -
caTools/ -
cache/ -
cachem/ -
calibrate/ -
callr/ -
callthat/ -
campsis/ -
campsismod/ -
cancerdata/ -
candisc/ -
canvasXpress/ -
caper/ -
capsidr/ -
captioner/ -
capushe/ -
car/ -
carData/ -
cards/ -
cardx/ -
caret/ -
caretEnsemble/ -
carrier/ -
casebase/ -
castoRedc/ -
castor/ -
catboost/ -
catdata/ -
causaldata/ -
cba/ -
ccDSM/ -
ccTutorial/ -
ccaPP/ -
ccdata/ -
ccdrAlgorithm/ -
cdcfluview/ -
cdip.datastore/ -
celarefData/ -
celda/ -
celldex/ -
cellpypes/ -
cellranger/ -
cellxgene.census/ -
cem/ -
censReg/ -
censored/ -
ceu1kg/ -
ceu1kgv/ -
ceuhm3/ -
cfToolsData/ -
cffr/ -
cgam/ -
cgdsr/ -
cgdv17/ -
cghMCR/ -
chAMPdata/ -
champdata/ -
changepoint/ -
chanmetab/ -
charmData/ -
checkmate/ -
checkr/ -
chemometrics/ -
cheung2010/ -
chevron/ -
chimera/ -
chimeraviz/ -
chipenrich/ - -
chipseq/ -
chipseqDBData/ -
chk/ -
chopsticks/ -
choroplethr/ -
chroGPS/ -
chromDraw/ -
chromVAR/ -
chromote/ -
chromstaRData/ -
chron/ -
cicero/ -
cicerone/ -
circlesize/ -
circlize/ -
circular/ -
cisPath/ -
citril/ -
clValid/ -
clarabel/ -
class/ -
classInt/ -
cleanUpdTSeq/ -
cleanrmd/ -
cleaver/ -
cli/ -
cliapp/ -
clinPK/ -
clinfun/ -
clippda/ -
clipper/ -
clipr/ -
cliqueMS/ -
clisymbols/ -
clixyzabc/ -
clock/ -
clonotypeR/ -
clst/ -
clstutils/ -
clubSandwich/ -
clue/ -
clustMixType/ -
cluster/ -
clusterCrit/ -
clusterGeneration/ -
clusterProfiler/ -
clusterSim/ -
clusterStab/ -
clustermq/ -
clusterprofielr/ -
clusterpval/ -
clusthaplo/ -
clustifyrdatahub/ -
clustree/ -
clv/ -
cmapR/ -
cmdstanr/ -
cmocean/ -
cmprsk/ -
cn.farms/ -
cn.mops/ -
cnvGSA/ -
cnvGSAdata/ -
cnvgsadata/ -
coGPS/ -
coMET/ -
coRNAi/ -
coRanking/ -
coastr/ -
cobalt/ -
cobasmsInstrumentCheck/ -
cobasmsInstrumentCheckSSW/ -
cobasmsThemes/ -
cobindR/ -
cobs/ -
coda/ -
coda.base/ -
codelink/ -
codetools/ -
cogena/ -
cogeqc/ -
coin/ -
collapse/ -
collections/ -
coloRz/ -
coloc/ -
colonCA/ -
colorRamps/ -
colorfulVennPlot/ -
colorspace/ -
colortools/ -
colourpicker/ -
colourvalues/ -
cols4all/ -
combinat/ -
commentr/ -
common/ -
commonmark/ -
compareDF/ -
compareGroups/ -
compcodeR/ -
complexheatmap/ -
compositions/ - -
concaveman/ -
concordancer/ -
concrete/ -
condMVNorm/ -
condiments/ -
conditionz/ -
coneproj/ - -
config/ -
configr/ -
confintr/ -
conflicted/ -
conflrhlx/ -
confoundr/ -
connectapi/ -
connectwidgets/ -
conos/ -
conquer/ -
consensusClustR/ -
consort/ -
constructive/ -
contentid/ -
contfrac/ -
contingencytables/ -
conumee/ -
convert/ -
coop/ -
copa/ -
copula/ -
copynumber/ -
corncob/ -
coro/ -
corpcor/ -
corpora/ -
correlation/ -
corrplot/ -
corrr/ -
cosmiq/ -
cosmosR/ -
countrycode/ -
covRNA/ -
coveffectsplot/ -
covr/ -
cowplot/ -
coxme/ -
coxphf/ -
coxphw/ -
cplm/ -
cpm/ -
cpp11/ -
cpp11bigwig/ -
cpvSNP/ -
cqn/ -
cranlogs/ -
crayon/ -
crch/ -
creatr/ -
credentials/ -
crew/ -
crew.cluster/ -
crisprScoreData/ -
crlmm/ -
crmPack/ -
cronR/ -
crop/ -
crossdes/ -
crossmatch/ -
crosstable/ -
crosstalk/ -
crrri/ -
crrry/ -
crs/ -
crul/ -
csaw/ -
csv/ -
ctc/ -
ctsem/ -
ctv/ -
cubature/ -
cubelyr/ -
cummeRbund/ -
curatedAdipoArray/ -
curatedAdipoChIP/ -
curatedAdipoRNA/ -
curatedBladderData/ -
curatedBreastData/ -
curatedCRCData/ -
curatedMetagenomicData/ -
curatedOvarianData/ -
curatedPCaData/ -
curatedTBData/ -
curatedTCGAData/ -
curl/ -
customProDB/ -
cutoff/ -
cvAUC/ -
cvTools/ -
cvar/ -
cvms/ -
cxAnalysis/ -
cycle/ -
cyclocomp/ -
cydar/ -
cyphr/ -
cytofkit/ -
cytolib/ -
d3heatmap/ -
d3r/ -
d3treeR/ -
daMA/ -
daapr/ -
dada2/ -
dae/ -
daff/ -
dagLogo/ -
dagitty/ -
dapr/ -
dasnormalize.iomel/ -
dastools/ -
data.table/ -
data.tree/ -
dataCompareR/ -
dataMaid/ -
dataRetrieval/ -
datacutr/ -
dataframes2xls/ -
datamods/ -
datapasta/ -
datapipeline/ -
datasauRus/ -
datawizard/ -
date/ -
davidTiling/ -
dbaccess/ -
dbarts/ -
dblplyr/ -
dblypr/ -
dbplyr/ -
dbscan/ -
dbx/ -
dcat/ -
dcdatr/ -
ddCt/ -
ddalpha/ -
ddgraph/ -
ddpcr/ -
deEndometrial/ -
deSolve/ -
debugme/ -
deconfectHelpers/ -
deconstructSigs/ -
decontX/ -
decontam/ -
decor/ -
decoupleR/ -
decoupler/ -
deepSNV/ -
deepregression/ -
deeptime/ -
degreenet/ -
deldir/ -
demuxmix/ -
dendextend/ -
dendroextras/ -
dendsort/ -
densEstBayes/ -
densityClust/ -
densvis/ -
depmap/ -
depmapSLr/ -
derfinder/ -
derfinderData/ -
derfinderHelper/ -
desc/ -
descr/ -
descsuppR/ -
designmatch/ -
destiny/ -
devEMF/ -
devtools/ -
devutils/ -
dexus/ -
dfidx/ -
dfoptim/ -
dgof/ -
diagram/ -
dials/ -
diceR/ -
dichromat/ -
did/ -
diffGeneAnalysis/ -
diffHic/ -
diffdf/ -
diffloop/ -
diffloopdata/ -
diffobj/ -
diffviewer/ -
digest/ -
diggit/ -
diggitdata/ -
digitalDLSorteR/ -
dimRed/ -
dipsaus/ -
diptest/ -
dir.expiry/ -
directlabels/ -
discretecdAlgorithm/ -
disk.frame/ -
dismo/ -
distances/ -
distill/ -
distory/ -
distr/ -
distr6/ -
distributional/ -
distributions3/ -
distro/ -
dittoSeq/ -
dittodb/ -
dixon/ -
dks/ -
dlm/ -
dlookr/ -
dlstats/ -
dm/ -
dnet/ -
do/ -
doBy/ -
doFuture/ -
doMC/ -
doMPI/ -
doParallel/ -
doRNG/ -
doRedis/ -
doSNOW/ -
dockerfiler/ -
docopt/ -
domainsignatures/ -
domir/ -
donapllp2013/ -
dorothea/ -
doseR/ -
dotCall64/ -
dotwhisker/ -
downlit/ -
downloader/ -
downloadthis/ -
dowser/ -
dparser/ -
dpbuild/ -
dpdeploy/ -
dpi/ -
dplyr/ -
dplyr1/ -
dplyr12/ -
dplyrb/ -
dpplyr/ -
dqrng/ -
drake/ -
drat/ -
drc/ -
drda/ -
dream/ -
dreamerr/ -
dressCheck/ -
drgee/ -
drugfindR/ -
ds4psy/ -
dsQTL/ -
dsb/ -
dslabs/ -
dspNgs/ -
dsr/ -
dtplyr/ -
dttr2/ -
dtw/ -
dtwclust/ -
dualKS/ -
duckdb/ -
duct.tape/ -
dunlin/ -
dunn.test/ -
dupRadar/ -
dv.teal/ -
dwrPlus/ -
dyebias/ -
dyebiasexamples/ -
dygraphs/ -
dynamicTreeCut/ -
dynamite/ -
dynfeature/ -
dynlm/ -
dynplot/ -
dynpred/ -
dynsbm/ -
dynwrap/ -
e1071/ -
eaf/ -
earth/ -
easierData/ -
easy.utils/ -
easyENTIM/ -
easyalluvial/ -
easypackages/ -
easystats/ -
eatGADS/ -
eatRep/ -
eatTools/ -
ebal/ -
ecfc/ -
echarts4r/ -
ecodist/ -
ecoliLeucine/ -
ecolitk/ -
ecospat/ -
edge/ -
edgeR/ -
effects/ -
effectsize/ -
egg/ -
egor/ -
eha/ -
eisa/ -
elasticsearchr/ -
elevatr/ -
ellipse/ -
ellipsis/ -
elliptic/ -
emayili/ -
embed/ -
emdbook/ -
emdist/ -
emmeans/ -
emoa/ -
emstreeR/ -
emtdata/ -
emulator/ -
enc/ -
encoDnaseI/ -
encode/ -
encryptr/ -
energy/ -
engitix.singlecell.db/ -
engitomixmk2/ -
english/ -
enhancedvolcano/ -
enmSdmX/ -
enrichPlot/ -
enrichR/ -
enrichplot/ -
enrichwith/ -
ensemblVEP/ -
ensembldb/ -
ensurer/ -
entropy/ -
envalysis/ -
eoPredData/ -
epiR/ -
epigenomix/ -
epimutacionsData/ -
epitools/ -
epuRate/ -
eq5d/ -
equatags/ -
equate/ -
equivalence/ -
erccdashboard/ -
ergm/ -
ergm.multi/ -
erify/ -
erma/ -
errorlocate/ -
escape/ -
eset/ -
esquisse/ -
estimability/ -
estimate/ -
estimatr/ -
estmeansd/ -
estrogen/ -
etec16s/ -
etm/ -
eudysbiome/ -
eulerr/ -
europepmc/ -
evaluate/ -
evd/ -
eventPrediction/ -
eventTrack/ -
eventdataR/ -
ewceData/ -
ewfutils/ -
exact2x2/ -
exactRankTests/ -
exactci/ -
exactextractr/ -
exams/ -
excelR/ -
exomeCopy/ -
expint/ -
explorase/ -
explore/ -
expm/ -
expss/ -
extRemes/ -
extraChIPs/ -
extraDistr/ -
extraInserts/ -
extraTrees/ -
extrafont/ -
extrafontdb/ -
extraoperators/ -
fBasics/ -
fCI/ -
fExtremes/ -
fGarch/ -
fTrading/ -
fUnitRoots/ -
faahKO/ -
fabia/ -
fabiaData/ -
fable/ -
fabletools/ -
facopy.annot/ -
facsDorit/ -
factDesign/ -
factoextra/ -
fairhub.metadata/ -
fairhub.r.client/ -
fakepackage/ -
fame/ -
fansi/ -
faraway/ -
farms/ -
farver/ -
fastDummies/ -
fastGHQuad/ -
fastICA/ -
fastcluster/ -
fasterize/ -
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fastreeR/ -
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fastshap/ -
fasttime/ -
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fauxpas/ -
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fdrame/ -
fdrtool/ -
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fenr/ -
ff/ -
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ffpeExampleData/ -
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fhcmacro/ -
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fitdistrplus/ -
fixest/ -
flagme/ -
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flashClust/ -
flexclust/ -
flexdashboard/ -
flexmix/ -
flexsurv/ -
flexsurvcure/ -
flextable/ -
flipflop/ -
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flowAI/ -
flowBeads/ -
flowBin/ -
flowCHIC/ -
flowCL/ -
flowClean/ -
flowClust/ -
flowCore/ -
flowCyBar/ -
flowDensity/ -
flowFP/ -
flowFit/ -
flowFitExampleData/ -
flowMap/ -
flowMatch/ -
flowMeans/ -
flowMerge/ -
flowPeaks/ -
flowPloidyData/ -
flowPlots/ -
flowQB/ -
flowQBData/ -
flowStats/ -
flowTrans/ -
flowType/ -
flowUtils/ -
flowVS/ -
flowViz/ -
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flowWorkspaceData/ -
flowcatchR/ -
flowchart/ -
flower/ -
flux/ -
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fmcsR/ -
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fmtr/ -
focalCall/ -
foghorn/ -
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forestmodel/ -
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forestploter/ -
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formattable/ -
formatters/ - -
forrester.metadata/ -
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fourDNData/ -
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frailtypack/ -
freetypeharfbuzz/ -
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ftExtra/ -
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funModeling/ -
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funkyheatmap/ -
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furrowSeg/ -
furrr/ -
futile.logger/ -
futile.options/ -
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future.callr/ -
fuzzySim/ -
fuzzyjoin/ -
fwb/ -
g3viz/ -
gCMAP/ -
gCMAPWeb/ -
gDNAinRNAseqData/ -
gDRtestData/ -
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gMCP/ -
gRain/ -
gRbase/ -
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gWidgetstcltk/ -
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gamlss.add/ - -
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gargle/ -
gaschYHS/ -
gaston/ -
gatingMLData/ -
gaucho/ -
gausscov/ -
gbRd/ -
gbm/ -
gbutils/ -
gcatest/ -
gclus/ -
gcrma/ -
gcspikelite/ -
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gdsfmt/ -
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geepack/ -
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gemini/ -
gemma.R/ -
gemtc/ -
genArise/ -
geneLenDataBase/ -
geneRecommender/ -
geneRxCluster/ -
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genefu/ -
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genoCN/ -
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genomeIntervals/ -
genomeinfodbdata/ -
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geohashTools/ -
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geojsonlint/ -
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geomtextpath/ -
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gespeR/ -
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getPass/ -
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geuvPack/ -
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ggExtra/ -
ggPMX/ -
ggRandomForests/ -
ggVennDiagram/ -
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ggbiploti/ -
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ggchicklet/ -
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ggnetwork/ -
ggnewscale/ -
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ggokabeito/ -
ggpattern/ -
ggplot/ -
ggplot.multistats/ -
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ggpointdensity/ -
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ggprism/ -
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ggupset/ -
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ggwordcloud/ -
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gifski/ -
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glassoFast/ -
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gld/ -
glmGamPoi/ -
glmGamPoiR/ -
glmmADMB/ -
glmmML/ -
glmmTMB/ -
glmnet/ -
glmnetUtils/ -
glmperm/ -
glmx/ -
globals/ -
globals,/ -
globaltest/ -
glpkAPI/ -
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gmnl/ -
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gmthemes/ -
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goshawk/ -
gotop/ -
gower/ -
gp.version/ -
gpaExample/ -
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gprofiler2/ -
grImport/ -
grImport2/ -
grafify/ -
gralarkivar/ -
granny/ -
graper/ -
graph/ -
graphiQs/ -
graphite/ -
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graphsim/ -
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gridSVG/ -
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groupdata2/ -
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gsDesign/ -
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gscounts/ -
gscreend/ -
gsignal/ -
gskb/ -
gsl/ -
gsmoothr/ -
gson/ -
gsrc/ -
gss/ -
gstat/ -
gsubfn/ -
gt/ -
gtExtras/ -
gtable/ -
gto/ -
gtools/ -
gtreg/ -
gtrellis/ -
gtsummary/ -
gtx/ -
gubraqsar/ -
gupio/ -
gwascat/ -
gwasrapidd/ -
gwasvcf/ -
h2o/ -
h5vcData/ -
hahmmr/ -
hal9001/ -
haplo.stats/ -
haplotrackR/ -
hapmap100khind/ -
hapmap100kxba/ -
hapmap500knsp/ -
hapmap500ksty/ -
hapmapsnp5/ -
hapmapsnp6/ -
harbChIP/ -
hardhat/ -
harmony/ -
hash/ -
haven/ -
hdf5/ -
hdf5r/ -
hdf5r.Extra/ -
hdi/ -
hdnom/ -
hdrcde/ -
healthyControlsPresenceChecker/ -
healthyFlowData/ - -
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heemod/ -
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here/ -
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hetGP/ -
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hgu133plus2CellScore/ -
hgu133plus2barcodevecs/ -
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hgu2beta7/ -
hgu95a.db/ -
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hmyriB36/ -
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homosapienDEE2CellScore/ -
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howmany/ -
hpgltools/ -
hrbrthemes/ -
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hugene10sttranscriptcluster.db/ -
humanHippocampus2024/ -
humanStemCell/ -
hunspell/ -
huxtable/ -
hwriter/ -
hydroPSO/ -
hyperSpec/ -
hypergate/ -
hypergeo/ -
hypothesis/ -
hypred/ -
iBreakDown/ -
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iC10TrainingData/ -
iC10data/ -
iCiteR/ -
iGasso/ -
iNEXT/ -
iSEE/ - -
iatlasGraphQLClient/ -
ica/ -
icenReg/ -
ichorCNA/ -
idorsiaQC/ -
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ifnb.SeuratData/ -
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ips/ -
iptmnetr/ -
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iq/ -
irlba/ -
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isva/ -
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itsadug/ -
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ivprobit/ -
ivreg/ -
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jsTreeR/ -
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kangar00/ -
karyoploteR/ -
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keggsvg/ -
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keyring/ -
khroma/ -
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kinship2/ -
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kknn/ -
klaR/ - -
kmed/ -
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kml3d/ -
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koalaNetworkDriveData/ -
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kpmt/ -
kriging/ -
ks/ -
ktplots/ -
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kyotil/ -
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lamW/ -
lambda.r/ -
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landscapemetrics/ -
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lasso2/ -
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lavaSearch2/ -
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lgr/ -
lhs/ -
liana/ -
libcoin/ -
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libr/ -
lifecycle/ -
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liger/ -
lightgbm/ -
limSolve/ -
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limmaGUI/ -
limmia/ -
linprog/ -
lintr/ -
lisrelToR/ -
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listviewer/ -
littler/ -
lixoftConnectors/ -
lixoftConnectors.1/ -
lixoftConnectors.2/ -
lm.beta/ -
lme4/ -
lmerTest/ -
lmodel2/ -
lmom/ -
lmomco/ -
lmtest/ -
lobstr/ -
locfit/ -
lockfit/ -
loe/ -
log4r/ -
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logistf/ -
logitnorm/ -
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logrrr/ -
logrx/ -
logspline/ -
lokern/ -
lomb/ -
longComplexHeatmap/ -
longitudinalData/ -
longmemo/ -
loo/ -
lotri/ -
lpSolve/ -
lpSolveAPI/ -
lpridge/ -
lpsymphony/ -
lqmm/ -
lsa/ -
lsei/ -
lsmeans/ -
lubridate/ -
lumi/ -
lumiBarnes/ -
lungExpression/ -
lvec/ -
lwgeom/ -
lydata/ -
lymphoma/ -
m03modeldevelopment/ -
mAPKLData/ -
mCSEAdata/ -
mFilter/ -
maSigPro/ -
maboost/ -
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magick/ -
magrittr/ -
maic/ -
maicChecks/ -
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makecdfenv/ -
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mammaPrintData/ -
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manipulateWidget/ -
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mapproj/ -
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mapview/ -
maqcExpression4plex/ -
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marinerData/ -
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marqLevAlg/ -
marray/ -
maser/ -
massHelper/ -
massTRACE2Tools/ -
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matrix/ -
matrixStats/ -
matrixStatst/ -
matrixTests/ -
matrixcalc/ -
maxLik/ -
maxstat/ -
mbend/ -
mboost/ -
mc2d/ -
mclogit/ -
mclust/ -
mclustcomp/ -
mcmc/ -
mcmcabn/ -
mco/ -
mcr/ -
mcsurvdata/ -
mctq/ -
mcv/ -
mda/ -
mdmb/ -
measurements/ -
measures/ -
mediation/ -
memisc/ -
memoise/ -
memuse/ -
merDeriv/ -
merTools/ -
merge/ -
metR/ -
meta/ -
metaBLUE/ -
metaBMA/ -
metaMA/ -
metaMS/ -
metaMSdata/ -
metabaser/ -
metabolomics/ -
metacore/ -
metadat/ -
metafor/ -
metagenomeSeq/ -
metan/ -
metap/ -
metaplot/ -
metaplus/ -
metapod/ -
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methyAnalysis/ -
methylKit/ -
methylclock/ -
methylclockData/ -
methylumi/ -
methyvimData/ -
metricsgraphics/ -
metrumrg/ -
mets/ -
mev/ -
mfx/ -
mgcv/ -
mgm/ -
mgvc/ -
mhsmm/ -
mhurdle/ -
mi/ -
miRBaseVersions.db/ -
miRNATarget/ -
miRcompData/ -
mia/ -
miaViz/ -
mice/ -
miceadds/ -
microRNAome/ -
microViz/ -
microbenchmark/ -
microbiome/ -
microbiomeDataSets/ -
microeco/ -
micromap/ -
microseq/ -
miloR/ -
mime/ -
mimosa/ -
minet/ -
minfi/ -
minfiData/ -
minfiDataEPIC/ -
minga/ -
miniCRAN/ -
miniUI/ -
minionSummaryData/ -
minpack.lm/ -
minqa/ -
mirai/ -
mirt/ -
misc3d/ -
miscTools/ -
missForest/ -
missMDA/ -
missMethyl/ -
missRanger/ -
misty/ -
mitml/ -
mitoODEdata/ -
mitools/ -
mix/ -
mixOmics/ -
mixsqp/ -
mixtools/ -
mixture/ -
mlbench/ -
mlegp/ -
mlfa/ -
mlflow/ -
mlmRev/ -
mlmm/ -
mlmm.gwas/ -
mlogit/ -
mlpack/ -
mlr/ -
mlr3/ -
mlr3cluster/ -
mlr3data/ -
mlr3filters/ -
mlr3fselect/ -
mlr3hyperband/ -
mlr3learners/ -
mlr3mbo/ -
mlr3measures/ -
mlr3misc/ -
mlr3pipelines/ -
mlr3proba/ -
mlr3spatiotempcv/ -
mlr3tuning/ -
mlr3tuningspaces/ -
mlr3verse/ -
mlr3viz/ -
mlt/ -
mlt.docreg/ -
mma/ -
mmpf/ -
mmrbws/ -
mmrm/ -
mnormt/ -
mockery/ -
mockr/ -
modEvA/ -
modeest/ -
modelObj/ -
modelbased/ -
modeldata/ -
modelenv/ -
modelr/ -
modelsummary/ -
modeltests/ -
modeltime/ -
modeltime.ensemble/ -
modeltools/ -
modetest/ -
modules/ -
moleculaR/ -
moments/ -
monaLisa/ -
mondate/ -
mongolite/ -
monkey/ -
monocle/ -
monocle3/ -
monolix2rx/ -
morpheus/ -
mosaic/ -
mosaicCore/ -
mosaicData/ -
mosaicsExample/ -
motifmatchr/ -
mouse4302barcodevecs/ -
mouse4302frmavecs/ -
mousecortexref.SeuratData/ -
mpm/ -
mpn.scorecard/ -
mppR/ -
mratios/ -
mregions/ -
mrgda/ -
mrggsave/ -
mrgmisc/ -
mrgsolve/ -
mrgvalidate/ -
mrgvalprep/ -
msPurityData/ -
msa/ -
msatR/ -
msd16s/ -
msdata/ -
msiImporter/ -
msigdb/ -
msigdbr/ -
msm/ -
msqc1/ -
mstate/ -
mtbls2/ -
mtvnorm/ -
muhaz/ -
muleaData/ -
multcomp/ -
multcompView/ -
multgee/ -
multiGSEA/ -
multiWGCNAdata/ -
multicool/ -
multicross/ -
multidplyr/ -
multimode/ -
multinichenetr/ -
multinma/ -
multipanelfigure/ -
multiplex/ -
multiwayvcov/ -
multtest/ -
munsell/ -
muscData/ -
muscat/ -
muscle/ -
mutoss/ -
mvPot/ -
mvabund/ -
mvna/ -
mvnfast/ -
mvnormtest/ -
mvoutData/ -
mvtnorm/ -
mwcsr/ -
myTAI/ -
mycor/ -
mygene/ -
myphd/ -
mzID/ -
mzR/ -
n1qn1/ -
nFactors/ -
nabor/ -
naivebayes/ -
name/ -
namer/ -
namespace/ -
naniar/ -
nanoarrow/ -
nanonext/ -
nanopipeline/ -
nanostringr/ -
nanotime/ -
nanotubes/ -
narray/ -
nasapower/ -
nat.util/ -
nat.utils/ -
natserv/ -
naturalsort/ -
nbpMatching/ -
nc/ -
ncappc/ -
ncar/ -
ncdf4/ -
ncdf4.1/ -
ncdfFlow/ -
ncigraphdata/ -
ncmeta/ -
ncvreg/ -
ndexr/ -
ndjson/ -
negligible/ -
neo2R/ -
neonUtilities/ -
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nestedcv/ -
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netDx.examples/ -
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networkD3/ -
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ngsReports/ -
nhanesA/ -
nichenetr/ -
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nipals/ -
nleqslv/ -
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nlmeODE/ -
nlmixr2/ -
nlmixr2data/ -
nlmixr2est/ -
nlmixr2extra/ -
nlmixr2lib/ -
nlmixr2plot/ -
nlmixr2rpt/ -
nloptr/ -
nls2/ -
nmrec/ -
nnet/ -
nnls/ -
noctua/ -
nominatimlite/ -
nonmem2R/ -
nonmem2rx/ -
nonmemica/ -
nonnest2/ -
nor1mix/ -
norm/ -
nortest/ -
notame/ -
npde/ -
nphRCT/ -
npsurv/ -
nseval/ -
nullabor/ -
nullrangesData/ -
numDeriv/ -
numbat/ -
numbers/ -
nycflights13/ -
oaqc/ -
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oceanflow/ -
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octad.db/ -
od/ -
odbc/ -
odyproteomicsValidator/ -
officedown/ -
officer/ -
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oligoClasses/ -
olsrr/ -
omicsbase/ -
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omopgenerics/ -
ompr/ -
ompr.roi/ -
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oncomarkerbase/ -
oneChannelGUI/ -
ontoProc/ -
ontologyIndex/ -
ontologyPlot/ -
oompaBase/ -
oompaData/ -
opdisDownsampling/ -
openCyto/ -
openSTARS/ -
openeo/ -
openssl/ -
openxlsx/ -
openxlsx2/ - -
optextras/ -
optimParallel/ -
optimalFlowData/ -
optimr/ -
optimx/ -
optmatch/ -
optparse/ -
optpart/ -
optweight/ -
orca/ -
ordinal/ -
ore/ - -
org.At.tair.db/ - - - - - -
org.Pf.plasmo.db/ - - -
org.Sc.sgd.db/ - -
oricvis/ -
orientlib/ -
origami/ -
orthogene/ -
orthopolynom/ -
orthosData/ -
oskeyring/ -
osmdata/ -
osprey/ -
osqo/ -
osqp/ -
otargen/ -
outliers/ -
overlapping/ -
pROC/ -
pRolocdata/ -
packcircles/ -
packer/ -
packrat/ -
pacman/ -
padr/ -
pagedown/ -
pagoda2/ -
pak/ -
paletteer/ -
palmerpenguins/ -
palr/ -
pals/ -
pammtools/ -
pamr/ -
pan/ -
pander/ -
pandoc/ -
panelr/ -
paquet/ -
paradox/ -
parallelDist/ -
parallelMap/ -
parallelly/ -
parallely/ -
param6/ -
parameters/ -
paran/ -
parathyroid/ -
parathyroidSE/ -
parathyroidse/ -
parcats/ -
parrallely/ -
parsedate/ -
parsnip/ -
partitions/ -
party/ -
partykit/ -
pasilla/ -
pasillaBamSubset/ -
pastecs/ -
patch/ -
patchwork/ -
pathfindR/ - -
pathifier/ -
pathprintGEOData/ -
pathview/ -
pathways/ -
patientProfilesVis/ -
patrick/ -
paws/ - -
paws.application.integration/ -
paws.common/ -
paws.compute/ - -
paws.customer.engagement/ -
paws.database/ - -
paws.end.user.computing/ -
paws.machine.learning/ - -
paws.networking/ - - -
pbapply/ -
pbdZMQ/ -
pbivnorm/ -
pbkrest/ -
pbkrtest/ -
pbmcapply/ -
pbmcref.SeuratData/ -
pbv/ -
pcaExplorer/ -
pcaGoPromoter.Hs.hg19/ -
pcaGoPromoter.Mm.mm9/ -
pcaGoPromoter.Rn.rn4/ -
pcaMethods/ -
pcaPP/ -
pcalg/ -
pch/ -
pcse/ -
pcxnData/ -
pd.atdschip.tiling/ -
pdInfoBuilder/ -
pdfCluster/ -
pdftools/ -
pdist/ -
pdp/ -
pec/ -
pedigree/ -
pedigreemm/ -
pedtools/ -
pegas/ -
pegboard/ -
penalized/ -
pepDat/ -
performance/ -
periscope/ -
perm/ -
permimp/ -
permute/ -
pgirmess/ -
phangorn/ -
pharmaRTF/ -
pharmaversesdtm/ -
phastCons100way.UCSC.hg19/ -
pheatmap/ -
phenoTest/ -
philentropy/ -
phonTools/ -
phosphoricons/ -
phyclust/ -
phylobase/ -
phylocanvas/ -
phylogram/ -
phylolm/ -
phyloseq/ -
phylosignal/ -
phylotools/ -
phyr/ -
phytools/ -
picante/ -
piecewiseSEM/ -
piggyback/ -
pillar/ -
pimeta/ -
pinfsc50/ -
pingr/ -
pins/ -
pipeR/ -
pipebind/ -
piton/ -
pivotalAbundances/ -
pivotalPilars/ -
pivotalPillars/ -
pivotalReporters/ -
pixmap/ -
pkbrtest/ -
pkgKitten/ -
pkgbuild/ -
pkgcache/ -
pkgconfig/ -
pkgdepends/ -
pkgdown/ -
pkglite/ -
pkgload/ -
pkgmaker/ -
pkgpub/ -
pkgsearch/ -
planet/ -
plantecophys/ -
plasFIA/ -
plier/ -
plm/ -
plogr/ -
plot3D/ -
plot3Drgl/ -
plotROC/ -
plotfunctions/ -
plotgardener/ -
plotgardenerData/ -
plotly/ -
plotlyGeoAssets/ -
plotmm/ -
plotmo/ -
plotrix/ -
pls/ -
plsmod/ -
plumber/ -
plyr/ -
plyranges/ -
pmartR/ -
pmforest/ -
pmml/ -
pmparams/ -
pmplots/ -
pmtables/ -
pmxTools/ -
pneumotypr/ -
png/ -
poLCA/ -
poeticST/ -
poibin/ -
poilog/ -
pointblank/ -
polars/ -
polspline/ -
polyCub/ -
polyclip/ -
polycor/ -
polyester/ -
polylabelr/ -
polynom/ -
polysat/ -
pool/ -
poolfstat/ -
poorman/ -
popEpi/ -
poppr/ -
posterior/ -
poweRlaw/ -
powerTCR/ -
powsimR/ -
ppcor/ -
ppiData/ -
prabclus/ -
pracma/ -
prada/ -
praise/ -
praznik/ -
preAnomalyDetectionCredLife/ -
preColours/ -
preGgplot2/ -
prebsdata/ -
preciseTADhub/ -
precommit/ -
precrec/ -
prediction/ -
predictmeans/ -
predint/ -
preproc.iquizoo/ -
preprocessCore/ -
preprocessorCore/ -
preseqR/ -
presser/ -
presto/ -
prettycode/ -
prettydoc/ -
prettymapr/ -
prettyunits/ -
priceR/ -
primeviewcdf/ -
primeviewprobe/ -
princurve/ -
printr/ -
prioritylasso/ -
prismatic/ -
probably/ -
processCore/ -
processx/ -
procs/ -
prodlim/ -
productplots/ -
proffer/ -
profile/ -
profileModel/ -
profmem/ -
profvis/ -
progeny/ -
progress/ -
progressr/ -
proj/ -
proj4/ -
projpred/ -
promise/ -
promises/ -
prompt/ -
prompter/ -
properties/ -
propr/ -
prostateCancerCamcap/ -
prostateCancerGrasso/ -
prostateCancerStockholm/ -
prostateCancerTaylor/ -
prostateCancerVarambally/ -
protViz/ -
proteomixr/ -
proto/ -
protoarrayr/ -
protoclust/ -
protolite/ -
protr/ -
protti/ -
proxy/ -
proxyC/ -
pryr/ -
ps/ -
pscl/ -
pspearman/ -
pspline/ -
psych/ -
psychTools/ -
psychometric/ -
psychonetrics/ -
psychotools/ -
psychotree/ -
ptairData/ -
ptm.stoichiometry/ -
ptw/ -
pulsar/ -
pumadata/ -
purrr/ -
purrrlyr/ -
purrrr/ -
pvca/ -
pvclust/ -
pwr/ - -
pyinit/ -
pzfx/ -
qPLEXdata/ -
qap/ -
qbaDatabase/ -
qcNvs/ -
qcc/ -
qclMatrix/ -
qctools/ -
qdapRegex/ -
qdapTools/ -
qgam/ -
qgraph/ -
qicharts/ -
qiimer/ -
qlcMatrix/ -
qpcR/ -
qpdf/ -
qqconf/ -
qqman/ -
qqplotr/ -
qrcode/ -
qreport/ -
qrng/ -
qrnn/ -
qs/ -
qtl/ -
qtl2/ -
quadprog/ -
qualV/ -
qualityTools/ -
qualpalr/ -
qualtRics/ -
quantable/ -
quanteda/ -
quantmod/ -
quantreg/ -
quantsmooth/ -
quarto/ -
qubiGenestack/ -
questionr/ -
quickmatch/ -
qvalue/ -
qvcalc/ -
qwraps2/ -
r/ -
r-library-rags-stash/ -
r2d2/ -
r2d3/ -
r2r/ -
r2rtf/ -
rAccess/ -
rAmCharts/ -
rCharts/ -
rEDM/ -
rJava/ -
rMVP/ -
rMisbeta/ -
rRDPData/ -
radarchart/ -
radiant/ - -
radiant.model/ -
radiator/ -
raerdata/ -
ragg/ -
rainbow/ - -
randomForest/ -
randomForestSRC/ -
randomNames/ -
randomcoloR/ -
randomizr/ -
randtests/ -
randtoolbox/ -
rangeModelMetadata/ -
ranger/ -
rapiclient/ -
rapidjsonr/ -
rapidoc/ -
rappdirs/ -
rapportools/ -
raster/ -
rasterVis/ -
ratelimitr/ -
rayimage/ -
rayrender/ -
rayvertex/ -
rbacon/ -
rbenchmark/ -
rbibutils/ -
rbioapi/ -
rbmi/ -
rbokeh/ -
rcartocolor/ -
rcdk/ -
rcdklibs/ -
rcellminerData/ -
rclipboard/ -
rcmdcheck/ -
rcompanion/ -
rcorpora/ -
rcpp/ -
rdd/ -
rdflib/ -
rdocx/ -
rdrop2/ -
reReg/ -
reactR/ -
reactable/ -
reactable.extras/ -
reactlog/ -
reactome.db/ -
readBrukerFlexData/ -
readJDX/ -
readODS/ -
readat/ -
readbitmap/ -
reader/ -
readr/ -
readstata13/ -
readxl/ -
rearrr/ -
recipes/ -
reclin/ -
recommenderlab/ -
recosystem/ -
reda/ -
redison/ -
redland/ -
redoc/ -
redux/ -
refinr/ -
refund/ -
reghelper/ -
registry/ -
regress/ -
relaimpo/ -
relations/ -
reldist/ -
relimp/ -
relsurv/ -
remaCor/ -
rematch/ -
rematch2/ -
remotes/ -
rempsyc/ -
renderthis/ -
rentrez/ -
renv/ -
report/ -
reporter/ -
reporting/ -
repr/ -
reprex/ -
repurrrsive/ -
reshape/ -
reshape2/ -
restfulSEData/ -
restfulr/ -
reticulate/ -
revealgenomics/ -
revealxpress/ -
review/ -
rex/ -
rfcdmin/ -
rfishbase/ -
rgbif/ -
rgdal/ -
rgenoud/ -
rgeoda/ -
rgeos/ -
rgexf/ -
rgl/ -
rglwidget/ -
rgnparser/ -
rgr/ -
rhandsontable/ -
rhdf5/ -
rhdf5filters/ -
rheumaticConditionWOLLBOLD/ -
rhino/ -
rhub/ -
rice/ -
ridigbio/ -
riem/ -
rintcal/ -
rintrojs/ -
rio/ -
riskRegression/ -
riskmetric/ -
ritis/ -
riverplot/ -
rj/ - -
rjags/ -
rjson/ -
rjsoncons/ -
rlaR/ -
rlang/ -
rlecuyer/ -
rlemon/ -
rliger/ -
rlist/ -
rlistings/ -
rly/ -
rmapshaper/ -
rmarkdown/ -
rmatio/ -
rmcfs/ -
rmcorr/ -
rmdfiltr/ -
rmdformats/ -
rmeta/ -
rminer/ -
rmint.sdtm/ -
rmio/ -
rms/ -
rmsb/ -
rmspc/ -
rmutil/ -
rnaseqGene/ -
rnaturalearth/ -
rnaturalearthdata/ -
rnbeads.mm10/ -
rncl/ -
rngWELL/ -
rngtools/ -
rnoaa/ -
roak/ -
robfilter/ -
robumeta/ -
robust/ -
robustbase/ -
robustlmm/ -
roll/ -
rols/ -
rootSolve/ -
ropls/ -
roptim/ -
rosettR/ -
rosm/ -
rotl/ -
round/ -
roxygen/ -
roxygen2/ -
rpact/ -
rpart/ -
rpart.plot/ -
rpf/ -
rprintf/ -
rprojroot/ -
rpromis/ -
rpsftm/ -
rqdatatable/ -
rr2/ -
rrBLUP/ -
rrapply/ -
rrcov/ -
rrcovNA/ -
rredlist/ -
rrsq/ -
rsample/ -
rsatscan/ -
rsbml/ -
rsconnect/ -
rslurm/ -
rsm/ -
rsnps/ -
rsparkling/ -
rsparse/ -
rspm/ -
rstan/ -
rstanarm/ -
rstanemax/ -
rstantools/ -
rstatix/ -
rstpm2/ -
rstudioapi/ -
rsvd/ -
rsvg/ -
rtables/ -
rtdists/ -
rtf/ -
rtfmt/ -
rticles/ -
rtkore/ -
rtracklayer/ -
rtweet/ -
ruODK/ -
rugarch/ -
runjags/ -
runner/ -
runonce/ -
ruv/ -
rvcheck/ -
rversions/ -
rvertnet/ -
rvest/ -
rvg/ -
rwdisplay/ -
rworldmap/ -
rxode2/ -
rxode2et/ -
rxode2ll/ -
rxode2parse/ -
rxode2random/ -
rzmq/ -
s2/ -
s3/ -
s3fs/ -
saeRobust/ -
saemix/ -
safeBinaryRegression/ -
safetyCharts/ -
safetyData/ -
safetyexploreR/ -
sampleClassifierData/ -
sampleSelection/ -
sampling/ -
samr/ -
sandwich/ -
santoku/ -
sas7bdat/ -
sasLM/ -
sass/ -
sassy/ -
satchel/ -
satellite/ -
satuRn/ -
sbw/ -
scATAC.Explorer/ -
scClassify/ -
scCustomize/ -
scDC/ -
scDblFinder/ -
scGate/ -
scHOT/ -
scITD/ -
scJonas/ -
scLinear/ -
scMerge/ -
scMultiome/ -
scPipe/ -
scRNASeq.spatial/ -
scRNAseq/ -
scRepertoire/ - -
scaeData/ -
scagnostics/ -
scales/ -
scalreg/ -
scam/ -
scanMiR/ -
scanMiRData/ -
scater/ -
scatterD3/ -
scattermore/ -
scatterpie/ -
scatterplot3d/ -
scclusteval/ -
sccore/ -
sccs/ -
scda/ -
scda.2021/ -
scda.2022/ -
sceptre/ -
schex/ -
schoolmath/ -
scico/ -
scidb/ -
scistreer/ -
scooter/ -
scoringRules/ -
scpdata/ -
scran/ -
screpertoire/ -
scrime/ -
scry/ -
scrypt/ -
scs/ -
sctransform/ -
sctrnasform/ -
scuttle/ -
scviewer/ -
sda/ -
sdmpredictors/ -
sdpR/ -
sdtmchecks/ -
sdw/ -
secretbase/ -
secrets/ -
see/ -
segmented/ -
selectr/ -
sem/ -
semEff/ -
semTools/ -
sen2r/ -
sendmailR/ -
sensemakr/ -
sensitivity/ -
sensobol/ -
seq2pathway/ - -
seqArray/ -
seqCNA.annot/ -
seqLogo/ -
seqc/ -
seqinr/ -
seqmagick/ -
seqminer/ -
sequenza/ -
seriation/ -
serumStimulation/ -
servr/ -
sesame/ -
sesameData/ -
sessioninfo/ -
set/ -
set6/ -
setRNG/ -
sets/ -
settings/ -
seurat/ -
seventyGeneData/ -
sf/ -
sfheaders/ -
sfsmisc/ -
sftime/ -
sgeostat/ -
shadowtext/ -
shape/ -
shapefiles/ -
shapes/ -
shapr/ -
shapviz/ -
shinipsum/ -
shiny/ -
shiny.blueprint/ -
shiny.fluent/ -
shiny.react/ -
shiny.router/ -
shiny.semantic/ -
shiny.telemetry/ -
shinyAce/ -
shinyBS/ -
shinyEffects/ -
shinyEventLogger/ -
shinyFeedback/ -
shinyFiles/ -
shinyLP/ -
shinyMatrix/ -
shinyMethyl/ -
shinyMethylData/ -
shinyMobile/ -
shinySelect/ -
shinyTree/ -
shinyWidgets/ -
shinyalert/ -
shinyauth/ -
shinyauthr/ -
shinybusy/ -
shinycssloaders/ -
shinydashboard/ -
shinydashboardPlus/ -
shinydisconnect/ -
shinyfeedback/ -
shinyglide/ -
shinyhelper/ -
shinyjqui/ -
shinyjs/ -
shinylive/ -
shinyloadtest/ -
shinymanager/ -
shinypanel/ -
shinyscreenshot/ -
shinystan/ -
shinytest/ -
shinytest2/ -
shinythemes/ -
shinytoastr/ -
shinyvalidate/ -
showimage/ -
showtext/ -
showtextdb/ -
sigPathway/ -
sigaR/ -
sigclust/ -
siggenes/ -
signac/ -
signal/ -
signatureSearchData/ -
silver3/ -
simex/ -
simmer/ -
simpIntLists/ -
simpar/ -
simpleaffy/ -
simplermarkdown/ -
simplifyEnrichment/ -
simputation/ -
simr/ -
simresults/ -
simsurv/ -
simul/ -
singleCellTK/ -
singleR/ -
singscore/ -
sirnakit/ -
siscreener/ -
sitmo/ -
sjPlot/ -
sjlabelled/ -
sjmisc/ -
sjstats/ -
skellam/ -
skewt/ -
skimr/ -
skmeans/ -
skpr/ -
slackr/ -
slam/ -
slickR/ -
slider/ -
slingshot/ -
sloop/ -
slopeR/ -
sm/ -
smacof/ -
smcfcs/ -
smd/ -
sme/ -
smfishHmrf/ -
smldesign/ -
smokingMouse/ -
smooth/ -
smoothHR/ -
smoother/ -
smotefamily/ -
sn/ -
sna/ -
snakecase/ -
snapcount/ -
snow/ -
snowfall/ -
snpStats/ -
snpar/ -
sodium/ -
softImpute/ -
soilDB/ -
soiltexture/ -
solrium/ -
solvebio/ -
som/ -
sommer/ -
sortable/ -
sos/ -
sosta/ -
sourcetools/ -
sp/ -
spData/ -
spaMM/ -
spacefillr/ -
spacetime/ -
spacexr/ -
spacrt/ -
spade/ -
spam/ -
spam64/ -
sparkline/ -
sparklyr/ -
sparr/ -
sparseMatrixStats/ -
sparsebn/ -
sparsebnUtils/ -
sparsepca/ -
sparsesvd/ -
spatial/ -
spatialDmelxsim/ -
spatialFDA/ -
spatialLIBD/ -
spatialreg/ -
spatstat/ -
spatstat.core/ - -
spatstat.explore/ -
spatstat.geom/ -
spatstat.linnet/ -
spatstat.model/ -
spatstat.random/ -
spatstat.sparse/ -
spatstat.univar/ -
spatstat.utils/ -
spatsurv/ -
spd/ -
spdata/ -
spdep/ -
spec/ -
spectacles/ -
speedglm/ -
spelling/ -
spgs/ -
splancs/ -
splatter/ -
splice2neo/ -
spliceR/ -
splines2/ -
splitTools/ -
splitstackshape/ -
spls/ -
splus2R/ -
spocc/ -
spqnData/ -
spsComps/ -
sqldf/ -
ssanv/ -
ssh/ -
stabilityTools/ -
stable/ -
stabledist/ -
stabs/ -
stacks/ -
standby/ -
stargazer/ -
stars/ -
starter/ -
startup/ -
startupmsg/ -
statTarget/ -
statgenGWAS/ -
statgenGxE/ -
statgenHTP/ -
statgenIBD/ -
statgenMPP/ -
statgenSTA/ -
statip/ -
statmod/ -
statnet/ -
statnet.common/ -
statsExpressions/ -
stdReg/ -
stdmchecks/ -
stemHypoxia/ -
stevedore/ -
sticky/ -
stinepack/ -
stjudem/ -
stopwords/ -
storr/ -
strandannotate/ -
strawr/ -
strex/ -
string/ -
stringdist/ -
stringfish/ -
stringi/ -
stringr/ -
striprtf/ -
strucchange/ -
structToolbox/ -
stxBrain.SeuratData/ -
styler/ -
subplex/ -
subselect/ -
summarytools/ -
sunburstR/ -
superheat/ -
superpc/ -
supraHex/ -
survAUC/ -
survMS/ -
survMisc/ -
survPen/ -
survPresmooth/ -
survcomp/ -
surveillance/ -
survex/ -
survey/ -
survival/ -
survivalROC/ -
survminer/ -
survtmle/ -
susieR/ -
svDialogs/ -
svGUI/ -
svMisc/ -
svUnit/ -
sva/ -
svd/ -
svglite/ -
swagger/ -
swamp/ -
swfscMisc/ -
swirl/ -
sybil/ -
sybilGUROBI/ -
sybilSBML/ -
sylly/ -
sylly.en/ -
symengine/ -
symphony/ -
synapser/ -
synapterdata/ -
synbreed/ -
syntenet/ -
sys/ -
sysfonts/ -
systemPipeRdata/ -
systemfit/ -
systemfonts/ -
syuzhet/ -
table1/ -
tableHTML/ -
tableone/ -
tables/ -
tabulapdf/ -
tabulizer/ -
tabulizerjars/ -
tanggle/ -
tarchetypes/ -
targets/ -
tartare/ -
taskscheduleR/ -
taxadb/ -
taxize/ -
taxonomizr/ -
taylor/ -
tcgaWGBSData.hg19/ -
tcgaworkflowdata/ -
tcltk/ -
tcltk2/ -
tclust/ -
teal/ -
teal.builder/ -
teal.builder.modules/ -
teal.code/ - -
teal.goshawk/ -
teal.logger/ -
teal.modules.clinical/ -
teal.modules.general/ - -
teal.osprey/ -
teal.reporter/ -
teal.slice/ -
teal.transform/ -
teal.widgets/ -
templater/ -
tensor/ -
tensorA/ -
tensorflow/ -
tergm/ -
tern/ -
tern.gee/ -
tern.mmrm/ -
tern.rbmi/ -
terra/ -
tesseract/ -
tester/ -
testit/ -
testthat/ -
texreg/ -
text2vec/ -
textfeatures/ -
textrecipes/ -
textshape/ -
textshaping/ -
tfautograph/ -
tfdatasets/ -
tfrmt/ -
tfruns/ -
tfse/ -
tgp/ -
thematic/ -
themeSanofi/ -
themis/ -
this.path/ -
threejs/ -
tibbke/ -
tibble/ -
tictoc/ -
tidyHeatmap/ -
tidySEM/ -
tidySummarizedExperiment/ -
tidyTree/ -
tidybayes/ -
tidycensus/ -
tidyclust/ -
tidycmprsk/ -
tidydr/ -
tidyfst/ -
tidygraph/ -
tidyjson/ -
tidylog/ -
tidymodels/ -
tidyposterior/ -
tidypredict/ -
tidyproject/ -
tidyproteomics/ -
tidyquant/ -
tidyr/ -
tidyrules/ -
tidyselect/ -
tidyseurat/ -
tidytable/ -
tidyterra/ -
tidytext/ -
tidytlg/ -
tidytransit/ -
tidytree/ -
tidyverse/ -
tidyvpc/ -
tidyxl/ -
tiff/ -
tigris/ -
tikzDevice/ -
tiledb/ -
tiledbsoma/ -
timeDate/ -
timeSeries/ -
timechange/ -
timecoursedata/ -
timereg/ -
timetk/ -
timevis/ -
tinesath1cdf/ -
tinesath1probe/ -
tinkr/ -
tinylabels/ -
tinysnapshot/ -
tinytable/ -
tinytest/ -
tinytex/ -
tippy/ -
tis/ -
tissueTreg/ -
titanic/ -
tkWidgets/ -
tkrplot/ -
tldrm/ -
tm/ -
tmap/ -
tmaptools/ -
tmcn/ -
tmle/ -
tmvnsim/ -
tmvtnorm/ -
toOrdinal/ -
toastui/ -
tofsimsData/ -
tokenizers/ -
tokupika/ -
tolerance/ -
topGO/ -
topdownrdata/ -
topicmodels/ -
topr/ -
torch/ -
tornado/ -
tourr/ -
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BSgenome.Hsapiens.NCBI.GRCh38.html 564 B
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BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.html 558 B
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BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.html 561 B
BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm39.html 561 B
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DriverNet.html 504 B
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GeneBreak.html 504 B
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GeneMeta.html 501 B
GeneNMF.html 498 B
GeneNetworkBuilder.html 531 B
GeneOverlap.html 510 B
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GeneSelectMMD.html 516 B
GeneSelector.html 513 B
GeneralizedHyperbolic.html 540 B
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GenomeInfoDbData.html 525 B
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GenomicDistributionsData.html 549 B
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GenomicFeatures.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm9.html 579 B
GenomicFeatures.html 522 B
GenomicFiles.html 513 B
GenomicRanges.html 516 B
GenomicTools.html 513 B
GenomicTuples.html 516 B
Genominator.html 510 B
GeoTcgaData.html 510 B
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HDLSSkST.html 501 B
HDO.db.html 495 B
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HIVcDNAvantWout03.html 528 B
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HMP2Data.html 501 B
HPC.R.Utilities.html 522 B
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HSAUR3.html 495 B
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HSMMSinglece11.html 519 B
HSMMSinglecel1.html 519 B
HTSCluster.html 507 B
HTqPCR.html 495 B
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HiCDataLymphoblast.html 531 B
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IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19.html 609 B
IlluminaHumanMethylation450kmanifest.html 585 B
IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICanno.ilm10b2.hg19.html 612 B
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KRSA.html 489 B
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MASS.html 489 B
MAST.html 489 B
MATRIX.html 495 B
MATRIXS.html 498 B
MAtrixModels.html 513 B
MBA.html 486 B
MBESS.html 492 B
MCAData.html 498 B
MCMCglmm.html 501 B
MCMCpack.html 501 B
MCMCprecision.html 516 B
MCPcounter.html 507 B
MEALData.html 501 B
MEDIPSData.html 507 B
MEEBOdata.html 504 B
MEMSS.html 492 B
MESS.html 489 B
MIGSAdata.html 504 B
MKmisc.html 495 B
MLEcens.html 498 B
MLmetrics.html 504 B
MMAPPR2data.html 510 B
MMDiffBamSubset.html 522 B
MNP.html 486 B
MODIStsp.html 501 B
MOFA.html 489 B
MOFA2.html 492 B
MOFAdata.html 501 B
MPA.html 486 B
MPV.html 486 B
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MSMB.html 489 B
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MSstatsLiP.html 507 B
MSstatsPTM.html 507 B
MSstatsTMT.html 507 B
MSstatsTMTs.html 510 B
MSwM.html 489 B
MTseekerData.html 513 B
MUGAExampleData.html 522 B
Maaslin2.html 501 B
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MafDb.ESP6500SI.V2.SSA137.dbSNP138.html 579 B
MafDb.gnomAD.r2.1.hs37d5.html 549 B
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MassSpecWavelet.html 522 B
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Matrix.utils.html 513 B
MatrixEQTL.html 507 B
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MeSHDbi.html 498 B
MendelianRandomization.html 543 B
MerfishData.html 510 B
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MetaGxOvarian.html 516 B
MetaGxPancreas.html 519 B
MetaScope.html 504 B
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Metab.html 492 B
MetaboAnalystR.html 519 B
MetaboReport.html 513 B
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MethylMix.html 504 B
MethylSeqData.html 516 B
Metrics.html 498 B
Mfuzz.html 492 B
MicrobaCommunityProfileReader.html 564 B
MicrobiomeBenchmarkData.html 546 B
Microsoft365R.html 516 B
ModelMetrics.html 513 B
ModelR.html 495 B
Momocs.html 495 B
MonoPhy.html 498 B
Morpho.html 495 B
MouseAgingData.html 519 B
MouseGastrulationData.html 540 B
MouseThymusAgeing.html 528 B
MplusAutomation.html 522 B
MsCoreUtils.html 510 B
MsFeatures.html 507 B
Msnbase.html 498 B
MuMIn.html 492 B
Mulder2012.html 507 B
MultiAssayExperiment.html 537 B
MultiDataSet.html 513 B
MutationalPatterns.html 531 B
N2R.html 486 B
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NADA.html 489 B
NADIA.html 492 B
NBPSeq.html 495 B
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NMF.html 486 B
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NMdata.html 495 B
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NORMT3.html 495 B
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NetActivityData.html 522 B
NetBID2.html 498 B
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NetSwan.html 498 B
NeuralNetTools.html 519 B
Neve2006.html 501 B
NlcOptim.html 501 B
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NormalizerDE.html 513 B
NormalyzerDE.html 513 B
Nozzle.R1.html 504 B
NxtIRFdata.html 507 B
OMICsPCAdata.html 513 B
OUTRIDER.html 501 B
ObMiTi.html 495 B
OhdsiShinyModules.html 528 B
OlinkAnalyze.html 513 B
OmicCircos.html 507 B
OmnipathR.html 504 B
OnassisJavaLibs.html 522 B
OncoBayes2.html 507 B
OpenMx.html 495 B
OrderedList.html 510 B
OrganismDbi.html 510 B
PAA.html 486 B
PAIRADISE.html 504 B
PARdesign.html 504 B
PASWR.html 492 B
PBIR.html 489 B
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PBSmapping.html 507 B
PCAmixdata.html 507 B
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PCDSpline.html 504 B
PCDimension.html 510 B
PCHiCdata.html 504 B
PCICt.html 492 B
PEIP.html 489 B
PEMM.html 489 B
PFAM.db.html 498 B
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PGSEA.html 492 B
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PKI.html 486 B
PKNCA.html 492 B
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PMCMRplus.html 504 B
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PROscorerTools.html 519 B
PRROC.html 492 B
PReMiuM.html 498 B
PSCBS.html 492 B
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PWMEnrich.Hsapiens.background.html 564 B
PWMEnrich.Mmusculus.background.html 567 B
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ParallelLogger.html 519 B
ParamHelpers.html 513 B
PasillaTranscriptExpr.html 540 B
PathNetData.html 510 B
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PowerTOST.html 504 B
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ProjecTILs.html 507 B
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REddyProc.html 504 B
RFOC.html 489 B
RGCCA.html 492 B
RGMQLlib.html 501 B
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RIPSeekerData.html 516 B
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RMariaDB.html 501 B
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RNASeqRData.html 510 B
RNAi.html 489 B
RNAinteractMAPK.html 522 B
RNAmodR.Data.html 513 B
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RNAseqData.HeLa.bam.chr14.html 552 B
RNAseqQC.html 501 B
RNOmni.html 495 B
RNeXML.html 495 B
RNetCDF.html 498 B
RNifti.html 495 B
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ROCR.html 489 B
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ROI.plugin.lpsolve.html 531 B
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RRBSdata.html 501 B
RRPP.html 489 B
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RSQLite.html 498 B
RSVSim.html 495 B
RSclient.html 501 B
RSelenium.html 504 B
RSiena.html 495 B
RSpectra.html 501 B
RTCGA.CNV.html 504 B
RTCGA.PANCAN12.html 519 B
RTCGA.RPPA.html 507 B
RTCGA.clinical.html 519 B
RTCGA.mRNA.html 507 B
RTCGA.methylation.html 528 B
RTCGA.miRNASeq.html 519 B
RTCGA.mutations.html 522 B
RTCGA.rnaseq.html 513 B
RTCGAToolbox.html 513 B
RTN.html 486 B
RTriangle.html 504 B
RUVnormalizeData.html 525 B
RUVseq.html 495 B
RUnit.html 492 B
RVAideMemoire.html 516 B
RVenn.html 492 B
RVerbalExpressions.html 531 B
RVtests.html 498 B
RWiener.html 498 B
RaMS.html 489 B
RaggedExperiment.html 525 B
RamiGO.html 495 B
RandomFields.html 513 B
RandomFieldsUtils.html 528 B
RankAggreg.html 507 B
RankProd.html 501 B
Rcapture.html 501 B
RccpTOML.html 501 B
Rcgmin.html 495 B
Rchoice.html 498 B
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RcisTarget.html 507 B
Rcmdr.html 492 B
RcmdrMisc.html 504 B
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RcppTOML.html 501 B
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Rd2roxygen.html 507 B
Rdimtools.html 504 B
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ReactomeGSA.html 510 B
ReactomePA.html 507 B
RedeR.html 492 B
RefManageR.html 507 B
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ReporteRsjars.html 516 B
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Rmixmod.html 498 B
Rmpfr.html 492 B
Rmpi.html 489 B
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RnBeads.hg38.html 513 B
RnBeads.html 498 B
RnBeads.mm10.html 513 B
RnBeads.mm9.html 510 B
RnBeads.rn5.html 510 B
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RnaSeqTutorial.html 519 B
RobStatTM.html 504 B
RobinCar.html 501 B
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Rook.html 489 B
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RsSimulx.html 501 B
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Rvcg.html 489 B
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Ryacas.html 495 B
S4Arrays.html 501 B
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S4vectors.html 504 B
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SAIGEgds.html 501 B
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SC3.html 486 B
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SCATEData.html 504 B
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SNAGEEdata.html 507 B
SNPRelate.html 504 B
SNPhoodData.html 510 B
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SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP151.GRCh38.html 573 B
SOMbrero.html 501 B
SPARQL.html 495 B
SPEI.html 489 B
SPIA.html 489 B
SPOTlight.html 504 B
SQUAREM.html 498 B
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STexampleData.html 516 B
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Single.mTEC.Transcriptomes.html 555 B
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SingleMoleculeFootprintingData.html 567 B
SingleR.html 498 B
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SmartEDA.html 501 B
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SpATS.html 492 B
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SplicingVizUtils.html 525 B
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StepReg.html 498 B
SubcellularSpatialData.html 543 B
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Swiffer.html 498 B
Synth.html 492 B
TBX20BamSubset.html 519 B
TCC.html 486 B
TCGAMethylation450k.html 534 B
TCGAWorkflowData.html 525 B
TCGAbiolinks.html 513 B 537 B 537 B
TCGAcrcmRNA.html 510 B
TCGAcrcmiRNA.html 513 B
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TENxBrainData.html 516 B
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TENxVisiumData.html 519 B
TENxXeniumData.html 519 B
TFBSTools.html 504 B
TFMPvalue.html 504 B
TFisher.html 498 B 498 B
TLMoments.html 504 B
TMB.html 486 B
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TabulaMurisSenisData.html 537 B
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Tplyr.html 492 B
TrajectoryUtils.html 522 B
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TreeTools.html 504 B
TumourMethData.html 519 B
Turnover.cells.pSILAC.TMT.html 552 B
TwoSampleMR.html 510 B
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TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene.html 576 B
UCSC.utils.html 507 B
UCell.html 492 B
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UniprotR.html 501 B
UpSetR.html 495 B
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VAM.html 486 B
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VGAMextra.html 504 B
VIM.html 486 B
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VariantWarehouseBMS.html 534 B
VectraPolarisData.html 528 B
VennDiagram.html 510 B
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