Name Size Modified
../ - -
abego/ -
anarres/ -
antlr/ -
apache/ -
apiguardian/ -
assertj/ -
atteo/ -
awaitility/ -
benf/ -
bitbucket/ -
bitlet/ -
bouncycastle/ -
brotli/ -
burningwave/ -
cadixdev/ -
capnproto/ -
checkerframework/ -
codehaus/ -
commonmark/ -
eclipse/ -
fusesource/ -
fxmisc/ -
glassfish/ -
glavo/ -
graalvm/ -
hamcrest/ -
hibernate/ -
htmlunit/ -
infinispan/ -
iq80/ -
java-websocket/ -
javassist/ -
jboss/ -
jcraft/ -
jdom/ -
jetbrains/ -
jfree/ -
jgrapht/ -
jitsi/ -
jline/ -
joda/ -
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json/ -
jsoup/ -
junit/ -
jvnet/ -
kohsuke/ -
l33tlabs/ -
luaj/ -
lwjgl/ -
lz4/ -
mockito/ -
mozilla/ -
nibor/ -
objenesis/ -
openjdk/ -
openjfx/ -
opentelecoms/ -
opentest4j/ -
osgi/ -
ow2/ -
parchmentmc/ -
plugface/ -
postgresql/ -
projectlombok/ -
quiltmc/ -
reactfx/ -
reflections/ -
scala-lang/ -
scala-sbt/ -
sejda/ -
seleniumhq/ -
skyscreamer/ -
slf4j/ -
slick2d/ -
sonatype/ -
spongepowered/ -
springframework/ -
teavm/ -
testcontainers/ -
tinylog/ -
tomlj/ -
tukaani/ -
uncommons/ -
vafer/ -
vineflower/ -
w3c/ -
xerial/ -
xmlunit/ -
yaml/ -
zeroturnaround/ -
lwjgURL 1.7 kiB
scala-laURL 1.7 kiB

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Revision 49483, Last updated at , query time 47us