Name Size Modified
../ - -
p11-kit/ -
p7zip/ -
package-notes/ -
packagekit/ -
packagekit-qt/ -
paddlepaddle/ -
palapeli/ -
pam/ -
pango1.0/ -
pangomm/ -
parallel/ -
paramiko/ -
parley/ -
parole/ -
parted/ -
pastel/ -
patch/ -
patchutils/ -
pavucontrol-qt/ -
pci.ids/ -
pciutils/ -
pcmanfm-qt/ -
pcre2/ -
pcre3/ -
pcsc-lite/ -
pentaho-reporting-flow-engine/ -
peony/ -
peony-extensions/ -
peony-print-pictures/ -
pep517/ -
perl/ -
perl-openssl-defaults/ -
perltidy/ -
pexpect/ -
pfb2t1c2pfb/ -
phodav/ -
phonon/ -
phonon-backend-gstreamer/ -
phonon-backend-vlc/ -
php-defaults/ -
php8.1/ -
picmi/ -
pigz/ -
pillow/ -
pinentry/ -
pipewire/ -
pipewire-media-session/ -
piston-mini-client/ -
pixman/ -
pkg-config/ -
pkg-js-tools/ -
pkg-kde-tools/ -
pkgbinarymangler/ -
pkgconf/ -
plasma-browser-integration/ -
plasma-desktop/ -
plasma-disks/ -
plasma-firewall/ -
plasma-framework/ -
plasma-integration/ -
plasma-nano/ -
plasma-nm/ -
plasma-pa/ -
plasma-sdk/ -
plasma-systemmonitor/ -
plasma-vault/ -
plasma-wayland-protocols/ -
plasma-workspace/ -
plasma-workspace-wallpapers/ -
plexus-ant-factory/ -
plexus-bsh-factory/ -
pluma/ -
plymouth/ -
plymouth-kcm/ -
pmdk/ -
pmix/ -
po-debconf/ -
po4a/ -
pocketsphinx/ -
poetry-core/ -
policycoreutils/ -
policykit-1/ -
policykit-1-gnome/ -
polkit-kde-agent-1/ -
polkit-qt-1/ -
poppler/ -
poppler-data/ -
popt/ -
postgresql-12/ -
powerdevil/ -
ppp/ -
pppconfig/ -
pppoeconf/ -
pptp-linux/ -
presage/ -
prettytable/ -
prison-kf5/ -
procps/ -
proj/ -
protobuf/ -
protobuf-c/ -
psmisc/ -
pulseaudio/ -
pupnp/ -
purpose/ -
py7zr/ -
pyannotate/ -
pyatspi/ -
pycairo/ -
pychm/ -
pycryptodome/ -
pyflakes/ -
pygments/ -
pygobject/ -
pyhoca-cli/ -
pyicu/ -
pyjwt/ -
pylev/ -
pylint/ -
pyparsing/ -
pyparsing2/ -
pypy/ -
pyqt-builder/ -
pyqt5/ -
pyqt5-sip/ -
pyqt5webengine/ -
pytest/ -
pytest-datadir/ -
pytest-regressions/ -
pytest-tornasync/ -
pytest-xdist/ -
python-apt/ -
python-async-timeout/ -
python-attrs/ -
python-bcrypt/ -
python-build/ -
python-certifi/ -
python-cffi/ -
python-changelog/ -
python-cleo/ -
python-crypto/ -
python-cryptography/ -
python-cryptography-vectors/ -
python-css-parser/ -
python-cssselect/ -
python-cups/ -
python-dateutil/ -
python-debian/ -
python-defaults/ -
python-defer/ -
python-distro/ -
python-docutils/ -
python-ephemeral-port-reserve/ -
python-exceptiongroup/ -
python-fasteners/ -
python-fixtures/ -
python-flake8/ -
python-future/ -
python-gevent/ -
python-greenlet/ -
python-h11/ -
python-html2text/ -
python-httplib2/ -
python-httpretty/ -
python-idna/ -
python-ifaddr/ -
python-imagesize/ -
python-importlib-metadata/ -
python-iniconfig/ -
python-iniparse/ -
python-installer/ -
python-keyring/ -
python-launchpadlib/ -
python-lockfile/ -
python-markdown/ -
python-mechanize/ -
python-mistletoe/ -
python-mock/ -
python-monotonic/ -
python-msgpack/ -
python-nacl/ -
python-oauthlib/ -
python-packaging/ -
python-pam/ -
python-parameterized/ -
python-pathspec/ -
python-pip/ -
python-pkginfo/ -
python-pluggy/ -
python-pretend/ -
python-psutil/ -
python-py/ -
python-pytest-cov/ -
python-pytest-subtests/ -
python-pytest-xprocess/ -
python-regex/ -
python-repoze.lru/ -
python-requests-toolbelt/ -
python-requests-unixsocket/ -
python-roman/ -
python-secretstorage/ -
python-setproctitle/ -
python-setuptools-rust/ -
python-sphinxcontrib.apidoc/ -
python-stdlib-extensions/ -
python-stestr/ -
python-testscenarios/ -
python-testtools/ -
python-toml/ -
python-tomli/ -
python-tomli-w/ -
python-tornado/ -
python-typing-extensions/ -
python-tz/ -
python-tzlocal/ -
python-urllib3/ -
python-virtualenv/ -
python-wadllib/ -
python-webencodings/ -
python-werkzeug/ -
python-wrapt/ -
python-x2go/ -
python-xlib/ -
python-xmlschema/ -
python-zeroconf/ -
python-zipp/ -
python-zombie-imp/ -
python2.7/ -
python3-antlr4/ -
python3-defaults/ -
python3-stdlib-extensions/ -
python3.10/ -
python3.11/ -
python3.12/ -
python3.8/ -
pyxdg/ -
pyyaml/ -

This page is generated by rsync-sjtug. rsync-sjtug is a tool used by SJTUG to sync from rsync upstream to object storage.

Revision 69412, Last updated at , query time 81us